Indianer-Show in Bielefeld (Radrennbahn) bis 5.8.2007 – Mannheim (Maimarktgelände) vom 13. Juli – 22. Juli 2007

Der internationale Kulturveranstalter Serena in Köln bereitet das größte Indianer-Powwow Europas vor. Noch nie zuvor sind so viele nordamerikanische Indianer für ein solches Ereignis nach Deutschland angereist.

Die Teilnehmer sind Vertreter der folgenden Stämme:

Kiowa Nation – Comanche – Wichita – Delaware – Caddo Tribe – Apache – Otoe Tribe – Lakota – Cheyenne – Arapaho – Fort Sill-Apachen – Lakota – Navaho Nation – Pawnee Nation – Northern Cheyenne – Cherokee Nation – Mt. Chippewa Nation – Sioux Nation – Kiowa-Zuni Nation – Creek – Choctow – Osage/Pawnee – Hochunk – Seminole – Blackfeet – Turtle Mtn. Chippewa – River Sioux/Lakota – Kickapoo – Zuni – San Carlos Apache

Die meisten der über 80 Indianer kommen aus Oklahoma. Sie haben traditionelle Gegenstände ihrer Völker mitgebracht und ausgestellt. Anwesend sind auch traditionelle Handwerker aus den verschiedenen Völkern.

Auf dem Maimarktgelände ( Nähe SAP ARENA )in Mannheim sind jede Menge Tipis und Handwerksstände errichtet. In einem Kreis von etwa 26 m Durchmesser finden die Tänze statt. Die Besucher haben Gelegenheit, mit den Indianern an den Tänzen und Spielen teilzunehmen.

In Bielefeld ist die Show auf der Radrennbahn bis zum Sonntag 5. August 2007 . Öffnungszeiten und Preise wie in Mannheim.

Hinter den Tipis sind viele Souvenir- und Handwerksstände errichtet, in denen stammesbezogene Produkte hergestellt und verkauft werden, z. B. Töpferwaren, Silberschmuck, Kleidung, Decken, Lederwaren.

Besondere Programme werden für Kinder entwickelt, die in die indianischen Vorführungen miteinbezogen werden.

Mich hat besonders die Freundlichkeit und Herzlichkeit der Menschen zutiefst beeindruckt. Eine wirklich umwerfende Show. Man schließt Freundschaften mit Menschen die man vorher nicht gekannt hat…

Diese Show hat sich allemal gelohnt. Besonders für Kinder ist das eine besondere Erinnerung…

Öffnungszeiten: täglich von 12.00 – 22.00 Uhr




Erwachsene 12.- Euro
Kinder 6-12 Jahren 6.- Euro
Gruppen ab 15 Pers. 10.- Euro/Person
Familienkarte 2 Erwachsene + bis zu 3 Kinder 25,- Euro

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Hier ist ein Video vom powwow in Mannheim

Weitere Videos von einem powwow aus Amerika


Weisheit der Indianer:


„Was ist Leben? Es leuchtet auf wie ein Glühwürmchen in der Nacht. Es vergeht wie der Hauch des Büffels im Winter. Es ist wie der kurze Schatten, der über das Gras huscht und sich im Sonnenuntergang verliert.“

„Menschen die nur arbeiten, finden keine Zeit zum Träumen. Nur wer träumt, gelangt zur Weisheit.“


Cherokee Morning Song (A beautiful Native American song:

107 Kommentare

Eingeordnet unter Menschen, Native, Veranstaltungen

107 Antworten zu “Indianer-Show in Bielefeld (Radrennbahn) bis 5.8.2007 – Mannheim (Maimarktgelände) vom 13. Juli – 22. Juli 2007

  1. sbiet

    Auch ich bin in Manneim gewesen. die Herzlich keit und Freundlichkeit, die mir begegnet ist, sowie die Nähe und Aufgeschlossenheit eines jeden haben meine Befangenheit schnell schmelzen lassen.
    Es ist sehenswert besonders für Familien!
    Sehr traurig hat mich die offensichtliche Unfähigkeit der Organisation gemacht. Es tat mir sehr leid für die Natives, die sich die allergrößte Mühe unter diesen Bedingungen gaben! Zusätzlich waren kaum Zuschauer da was imho auf so gut wie keine Werbung zurückzuführen war (und möglicherweise das Reglement dieses Pow Wows, das Hobbyisten auch in kompletter Trcht nur zu den Intertribals zuließ). Selbst in Mannheim konnten wir kaum Plakate finden. Erfahren habe ich das Ganze über eine Bekannte die einen Newsletter des Amerikanistik Verlages bezieht. Die Webseite des Events steht noch genauso da wie vorige Woche. – fast ohne Inhalt und aktuelles…. Von der Veranstalterwebseite kein Link dahin usw. bleibt zu hoffen dass die Gäste nicht auch noch draufzahlen müssen….
    Vielleicht überdenkt der Veranstalter ja mal einiges…

  2. fusselpuss bridget

    hi, ich war soeben-sonntagabend 22.7.-auf der veranstaltung in mannheim. leider bin ich eine quasi ganz externe interessierte an indianischen gebräuchen,die es aber trotzdem schon mal geschafft hatte, das eine oder andere pow wow zu erleben. da ich keinen eigenen computer zur verfügung habe und selten zeit zur internetspionage, war ich leider auch einzig und allein auf die veranstaltungsankündigung im mannheimer morgen angewiesen. aus dieser war keineswegs ersichtlich, dass es sich um ein pow wow handeln werde noch war für laien erkennbar, dass es musik- und tanzvorführungen geben würde.geschweige denn ein zeitplan für so etwas. ich habe den letzten beiden stunden des tanzes zugesehen und war zutiefst traurig, dass anscheinend mehr oder weniger „wieder mal “ nur die einegweihten und insider den weg finden konnten. das breite publikum draussen, dem das verständnis und wissen um die vermittelten inhalte eigentlich zugedacht war, ist vermutlich bis zum tor des maimarktgeländes gekommen -oder etwa nicht einmal das?- und dann enttäuscht über die höhe des eintrittsgeldes und die mangelnden informationsgehalte der plakate wieder heimgegangen. ich schliesse mich der meinung von S.Biet voll und ganz an, nach meinen kurzen gesprächen mit dem sprecher der veranstaltung und zwei der teilnehmenden natives, die achselzuckend bestätigten, dass die veranstaltung sehr wohl nicht nur als kleine intime familienfeier ohne unerwünschte zaungäste gedacht war, sondern als an alle neugierigen zahlenden zuschauer gerichtete informative und völkerverbindende veranstaltung. ich hoffe, dass es ein next time geben wird – dann aber hoffentlich mit besserer pr und besserem feedback – auch monetär – für die teilnehmer.

  3. Jan

    Dang, I sure wish I could read German to read what this article says!! That’s my grandson, the little fancy dancer in those pictures. His name is Kyce Hamilton-Iron. He is Pawnee, Crow, Oglala Lakota, and Southern Cheyenne. Oh, we sure do miss them. Please take care of them for us over in Germany. Let them know we are thinking of them if you get to see them perform. I’m so happy I finally found pictures!!

  4. Mona

    Hello Jan and others,

    I was in Mannheim at the information stand of Andrea Cox „Lakota Horsemanship Organisation“ all 10 days. I talked to Kycee every day and he came to our stand to rest and made friendship with Andrea´s nephew Sven.
    If you like to I can send you more pictures and I will see him tomorrow again. Contact me at my email adress

    Your welcome anytime

    Mona **

  5. Ninho

    Ich war hier in Bielefeld. Zur Lage:
    1. Die Indinaer sind alle Topklasse. Sie geben alles und leisten in der hier wirklich total chaotischen Lage Übermenschliches !
    Zum Verunstalter:
    Es sieht nach einem totalen Versagen des/der Veranstalter aus. Keine (0) Werbung. Schlechter Platz/ halb Kirmes ?! deshalb fast keine Leute hier.
    Sehr schade und traurig.
    Ich hoffe die Indianer denken nicht das dieses das Deutschland Karl Mays ist.
    Ich habe zu einigen gesprochen und ihnen versucht zu erklären das wenn sie auf anderen Festivals gespielt& getanzt hätten viel viel mehr Menschen sie gesehen hätten und hoffe das sie wiederkommen und ncht nut mit einer grossen Einttäuschung nach Hause gehen. In Hoffnung auf ein grossartiges COMEBACK – ninho

  6. Hi,
    auch wir waren in Bielefeld. Vor den „Native Americans“ kann man nur den Hut ziehen. Eine wunderschöne Darbietung Ihrer großen Kultur. Dem Veranstalter sollte man nahe legen sich einen anderen Job zu suchen. Wie kann man bei so etwas großartigem und hier in Deutschland selten zu sehendem, eine so schlechte Werbung machen….nähmlich fast keine. Ein Trauerspiel war das, die stolzen Menschen zwischen Pommesbuden und trötendem Kinderkarussell tanzen zu sehen. Absolut unwürdig und abartig. Trotz allem, haben Sie ein Bild geboten als ob tausende zuschauen würden. Die Beteiligung der deutschen Zuschauer war eine absolute Katastrophe. Auch wir hoffen, das alle Indianer tortzdem mit den paar auch sehr netten Zuschauern plaudern konnten und das sie nicht ein allzu schlechtes Bild von Deutschland mit nach Hause nehmen. Wir haben gute Kontakte herstellen können und hoffen auf eine beginnende Freundschaft, wenn auch vorerst per Post und per Email.
    Wir waren glücklich und stolz dabei gewesen zu sein. Guten Heimflug und das beste auf Erden für die wahren Ureinwohner Amerikas.

  7. Alexandra

    Auch wir waren in Bielefeld und völlig enttäuscht. Zwischen der angekündigten Veranstaltung (40-60 Verkaufsstände und über 100 Teilnehmer) und dem gebotenen, lagen Welten. Es waren lediglich 4 Verkaufsstände und die Teilnehmer waren auch recht überschaulich. Grundsätzlich wäre das kein Problem gewesen, aber zum einen solch eine Veranstaltung mit Kirmies zu vermischen (ständig quatschten Karusellebetreiber in die Indianergesänge) und zum anderen solch unglaublich hohe Eintrittspreise zu verlangen, fand ich eine Frechheit. Leider schrecken solch unprofessionelle Veranstaltungen Interessierte eher ab. Wie gesagt, eine große Enttäuschung, zumal wir einen 170 km weiten Anfahrtsweg hinter uns hatten und nicht glauben konnten, was uns dort geboten wurde. Schade…….

  8. Shoshini

    Seit vielen vielen Jahren fühle ich mit der indianischen Kultur verbunden, aber was hier in Bielefeld geboten wurde, von seitens der Veranstalter, war unter aller Würde. Warum hat man keine Informationstafeln in einzelne Tipis aufgestellt, worin etwas über die Kultur, die Bedeutung der Tänze usw. erzählt wurde. Ich war völlig fassungslos. Da nütze auch nichts die Hingabe mit welcher die einzelnen Tänzer getanzt haben nichts mehr. Ich kreide und klage die Veranstalter hier öffentlich an. Das was da veranstaltet wurde von Eurer Seite, war eine Respektlosigkeit und Missachtung des indianischen Volkes gegenüber.

    Wenn Jemand eine Telefonnr. von diesem Veranstalter hat, darf er sie mir gerne an die obengenannte Emailadresse zusenden. Mir liegt es sehr am Herzen. Leider habe ich nichts gefunden.

  9. Andreas

    Die Adresse der Firma die das Indianer-powwow veranstaltet haben:

    Serena GmbH
    50859 Köln
    Tel: ++49 (0)221-938 48 76
    Fax: ++49 (0)221-9384878

    Geschäftsführer: Werner Müllender
    Willy Beivers Handy: 0160 / 22 08 388

    Werner Müllender
    Brentanostr. 12
    50825 Köln
    Tel.: 0221 / 553 290
    Fax: 0221/ 554 459
    Mobil: 0177 / 311 65 71


  10. Harald

    Hello Jan,

    I was 2 days in Mannheim and 2 days in Bielefeld to watch the show of your people. I know Kyce, his 2 sisters and I talked to their Mum Karla Iron last Sunday. They are all ok and Karla told me that you (or the other grandparents of Kyce) left Germany with Karla’s youngest daughter after the event finished in Mannheim. Karla misses her youngest daughter very much. Tonight they all will leave Germany to go back to the States.
    You can be very proud of Karla and her kids, they are all excellent dancers and representatives for your people. I’m very glad to have your people here in Germany and enjoyed it very much. But I feel ashamed of my people their in Germany because the response was not as big as it should have been. But I think the reason was the organisation of the agency. I told them about it and they told me they would have learned a lot and next time they would do it better. I hope that their will be a next time. Greetings from Germany.

  11. Jan

    Our family members gave their time, their energy, and lots of effort to put on two shows for Willy and Werner … 22 days!! AND THEY WERE PAID NOTHING!! I’m sure you will see this on the news in Germany. Our people were cheated and treated very poorly at the end by the organizers. Where is Willy? Where is Werner?

    We are very happy to embrace our familes as they return to the U.S. Thanks to all of you who were kind to them, including the hotel staff, spectators, etc. We are thankful that they at least have airline tickets to return home.

    The universe moves in a circle. How you treat people is how you will be treated in return.

  12. Jan

    Harald – thank you for your post!!

    Willy (Serena) and Werner are the ones who need to apologize. People like you, and many others who spent time to get to know our families, are appreciated very much!! Thank you for all that you have shared with our children and grandchildren. We are proud of them and all that they have shared with your people. I know that things will be good for them. It will balance out.

    Prayers and blessings to all the participants. May everyone return home safely.

    Take care, Harald… blessings to you and your family as well.

    (and I apologize for being upset – I know it’ll be okay…)

  13. Rolf

    An alle, die dieses wunderbaren Menschen erleben konnten. Ich bin leider erst am letzten Tag hinzugezogen worden….nämlich als sich der Veranstalter verdrückt hat und 65 menschen, die hart gearbeitet haben…mit keinem Pfennig Geld ( Bezahlung) ihre Reise zurueck nach USA antreten mussten. Meinen aller herzlichsten Dank an Familie Vollmer vom Hotel Quellental die sogar Nachts um 2 uhr ein Fruehstuecks-buffee auf eigene Kosten spendiert haben, bevor um 3 uhr die Busse kamen um 65 Junge, Alte und völlig erschöpfte Indianer an den Flughafen nach Frankfurt zu bringen. Auch gilt meine Dank dem WDR, der sich bemüht hat ein Situationsdarstellung zu drehen, die am Dienstag um 19:30 dann ausgestrahlt wurde. Ich für meinen Teil werde die ganze Sache solange betreuen, bis die Leute Ihre Bezahlung erhalten.
    Melde mich mit Neuigkeiten in Kürze. Gerade wir Deutsch sollten uns das Vertrauen nicht von einem einzelnen Kaputtmachen lassen.

  14. An Rolf,

    vielen Dank für die präziese Kurzfassung der Ereignisse. Wir waren beschämt über die Machenschaften. Ist der Container mit den Kunstwerken der Indianer zwischenzeitlich aufgetaucht? Der Verbleib war ja völlig unklar. Erfahre gerne Neuigkeiten auf diesem Weg.


  15. Harald

    An Rolf

    ehrlich gesagt bin ich von deinem Artikel sehr geschockt. Ich wusste nicht, dass diese wirklich herzlichen, gutmütigen und liebenswerten Menschen ihre Gage nachträglich bekommen sollten und hierum betrogen wurden. Jan oben im Artikel (Englisch) deutete so etwas bereits vorher an. Woher weisst du das Rolf?
    Der Veranstalter hat wohl zu sehr draufgelegt, da die Resonanz sowohl in Mannheim, als auch in Bielefeld leider recht dürftig war; kein Wunder bei der miserablen Publicity.
    Was sollten die Leute bekommen und was willst du unternehmen Rolf ?

  16. Kim

    We had a good time in Germany, I was so proud of our kids and young people that danced with such a good heart. I wish i could read German so i could know what the comments say. I know all Germans are not the same, just like all natives. We do appreciate being able to share our culture and hope that somehow those of us that left our jobs may be blessed by some type of compensation. At least we have been able to maintain the honor and dignity of our people by completing our obligations there with examples of our elders to lead us! The spirit blessed everyone through the drum with songs to enable the people to dance and feel good; we will continue to be blessed as indigenous people!

  17. Harald

    hat jemand die WDR Reportage aufgezeichnet und wurde die Sache mit der Bezahlung dort dargestellt?
    Gibt es hierzu Zeitungsartikel ?

  18. Philipp

    there is a news report on the event and how the Native dancers were systematically exploited, ruined, and stolen from:

  19. Philipp

    There is a news report on the event, showing how the Native Americans have been systematically exploited, stolen from and thrown into poverty by a show that abused Native American culture and religion for entertainment purposes:

  20. Kim

    people may check out this link, please forward other links you may have or news clips you can send us. Thank you!

  21. Harald

    Hallo Leute,
    leider wiederholt sich die Geschichte und die Natives sind wieder mal die Betrogenen. … und diesmal hier in Deutschland.
    Ich habe eine Email einer indianischen Teilnehmerin bekommen, die den Betrug den Rolf geschildert hat bestätigt.
    Sie hat mir einen Artikel vom heutigen Tag aus einer Zeitung in Lawton, Oklahoma kopiert, der die Schande wiederspiegelt. Übersetzung folgt.

    Native American dancers swindled

    Aug 10, 2007 04:11 PM
    Featured Videos
    Native American dancers stranded

    Oklahoma_Some Oklahoma Native Americans say they were caught in the middle of an International scam. They’re dancers who were hired to perform their native dances in Germany this summer.

    Seventy natives made the trip and signed a paid contract to perform for 25 days. But, they never got what the money they were promised. The group made it back late last night, tired from the ordeal and the journey. And now, they’re jobless and empty handed. Some of the group wanted to earn money for college, and some even had to give up their jobs to make the trip.

    Those who dance for a living had no advance, but they did have a round trip ticket. The dancers were able to get back to the U.S., but only as far as Dallas. Luckily, the Comanche Nation came to their aid. The tribe sent a charter bus to pick up the weary dancers and a part of the group made it back to Lawton late Wednesday night.

    The Connywerdy family – Kevin, his wife Cricket and their three children were part of the group. He and his family have gone on these dance trips before and this time out they thought they’d earn around $8000, part of the contract they’d agreed to with the German organization „Serena“. They were relying on the payment from the show to get them through the next few months.

    This group turned out to be two men. The contract the native dancers signed required each dancer to work 10 hours per day, rain or shine and be paid $150 per day. On the fifteenth day, after having not been paid, the dance group called off the shows.

    They were told by the Germans who had booked the troupe that they could go to the airport and wait 10 days until the return date on the ticket; or they could pay their own way home. Reluctantly, the Native Americans decided to fulfill their part of the contract.

    There has been a criminal report filed and some of the artists that were contracted to sell their jewelry haven’t had their goods returned. According to the contract, the German group was to send anything that was not sold back to the dancers; a value of at least $50,000 worth of art. This has not happened and the valuables are considered stolen.

    The U.S. Consulate was contacted and a police report has been filed. The consulate has informed the group that they must now hire a German attorney to handle its case – in Germany. And then they can proceed. An investigation into the German organization, „Serena“, is underway.

  22. Harald

    weiss jemand, ob und wie man seinen eigenen Kommentar hier nochmal ändern kann?

  23. Kerrin


    wir würden gerne helfen, dass die Tänzer und ihre Familien zu ihrem Recht kommen.

    Ich weiss allerdings nicht zu wem ich Kontakt aufnehmen kann.

    Deutsche Solidarität über die Grenzen von Vereinen und Organisationen ist hier wohl am allermeisten gefragt. Vielleicht könnten wir alle mal gemeinsam an einem Strang ziehen, im Interesse der Opfer?

    Four suns

  24. Pingback: Weisheit der Natives… « Die Welt verändern

  25. Harald

    Ich wollte darlegen, wie einige Indianer die Situation empfinden und auf die dortige Presse hinweisen. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass ja noch auszurechnen ist, was jeder einzelne zu bekommen hat und dass sich deshalb die Sache verzögert.
    Ansonsten müssen letztendlich die Juristen zunächst über die vertraglichen Inhalte entscheiden und ein gerichtliches Urteil gesprochen werden. Von einer Vorverurteilung des Veranstalters muss ich deshalb Abstand nehmen.

    Es wäre nur traurig, wenn es so weit kommen würde. Ich hoffe, dass man noch einen Weg finden wird, dass alle zu ihrem vertraglich zugesicherten Recht kommen.

  26. Harald

    Ergänzung und Klarstellung zu meinem oben stehenden Kommentaren vom August 10th, 2007, 9:29 nachmittags und 4:17 nachmittags

    sorry, ich wollte darlegen, wie einige Indianer die Situation empfinden und auf die dortige Presse hinweisen. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass ja noch auszurechnen ist, was jeder einzelne zu bekommen hat und dass sich deshalb die Sache verzögert.
    Ansonsten müssen letztendlich die Juristen zunächst über die vertraglichen Inhalte entscheiden und ein gerichtliches Urteil gesprochen werden. Von einer Vorverurteilung des Veranstalters muss ich bis dahin Abstand nehmen.
    Es wäre nur traurig, wenn es so weit kommen würde. Ich hoffe, dass man noch einen Weg finden wird, dass alle zu ihrem vertraglich zugesicherten Recht kommen.

  27. Rolf

    Damit alle Interessierten auf dem Laufenden sind. Es sind alle Massnahmen eingeleitet, damit die Gruppe zu ihrem Lohn kommt. Mir wurde ein Artikel zugeleitet, in dem Herr Beivers seine Aussagen trifft. Wenn das alles zu stimmt, warum ist er nicht bei der Veranstaltung geblieben und hat fremde Menschen dazu bewogen, hier einzuspringen. In der NW Bielefeld Nr. 183 vom 9 August nachzulesen.
    Zu meiner Person: Kevin Connywerdy´s Mutter ist die Schwester der Frau meines Geschäftspartners in den USA. Kevins Mutter hat sich Sorgen gemacht um die 3 Enkel, als Sie erfuhr, dass eventuell die Rückreise gefährdet ist. Kevin hat mich gefragt, ob ich als Dolmetscher einspringen kann und somit habe ich die letzten 24 Std. begleitet. Wir hier im Forum sollten uns darum kümmern, Kontakt zu den Freunden zu halten und Ihnen unseren Unmut aber auch unsere Hilfe zuzusichern. Alles andere wird juristisch gewürdigt. Wie sagt man so schön: Viele Köche….., aber wir sollten ebenfalls die breite Masse der USA/INDIANER Freunde gut informieren, damit kein falsches Bild entsteht. Ich garantiere aus Erfahrung: Von den 567 Stämmen wissen über 300 bereits Bescheid…auch ihnen ein Wort von uns. Ich freue mich aber auch über die Menschen die uneigennützig da sind um zu helfen. Zu der Frage der Ware nur so viel: Wir wissen im Moment nicht wo sie sich derzeit befindet, wir wissen nur, dass die Ware abgeholt wurde und die Eigentümerin einen Termin mit Herrn Beivers hatte um „Papierkram“ zu erledigen, Herr Beivers diesen Termin aber nicht wahrgenommen hat . Ich habe für Menschen, die mir/uns Informationen zuleiten wollen eine Email eingerichtet: isorast (at)

  28. Rolf

    Eine der Tänzerinnen schrieb mir folgendes
    Trip in a Nutshell

    Well it would take a long time to tell you everything. There was no communication within the group. So that was the first problem. Next the group leader left after Mannheim so by Bielefeld there was no leader for our group. Regardless of what individuals felt about the trip we all signed individual contracts, even the children, that state we would be paid for each day worked before we left and we were not. Then if we decided to not dance then we would have had to wait at the airport for ten days until our plane left or pay over 1000E to change my family’s tickets. As a group we decided to keep dancing with the hopes that we would get paid and were not being exploited.

    At Bielefeld we were split into two groups. One group had TV, phone, internet, and access to the town and laundry. The other group was out in the country with no cell phone service, internet, and no access to the city unless we took a taxi 20E per person one way. From what I understand one member of our group had money from Willy to send people to the laundry but this was not relayed to the other hotel or even all group members. My son would not eat the food at the hotel so we needed to stop at an American fast food at least once a day to keep him nourished. Willy cut off our stops about five days before we left. My two year old boy lost a lot of weight. The hotels fed us breakfast and dinner. If we danced at the festival we could have fries, drinks, and sausages for lunch. My little boy probably was the only one who lost weight and he didn’t need to.

    Willy would pay some people little sums of money and not others. He would whisper into different peoples ears who would listen to him and try to cause division. But even though there was a horrible lack of communication amongst ourselves and no leadership we all did a good job working together. This is partly why every one probably has a different interpretation of the trip. As well as the fact that some people do not do this for a living and were using it for the experience of getting a trip overseas. As I said we should have been given a choice in the matter before we left our homes to go overseas to perform.
    The final scary thing that happened was that the buses would not come unless they had gotten paid. At that point Willy Bievers and Werner Mullender under the Gmbh name of Serena had checked out of the hotel. We called the US embassy and they started calling the bus company and Willy’s cell. The Embassy said it would be considered, „a case of emergency“ if we were stranded. Willy finally paid the buses but not us. So in the end all the dancers and singers were slaves working for food and a place to stay. If we had been given a choice as to whether we could come over to perform for free then that would have been our choice. As it was, we had no choice in the matter. We had to perform or we would not have food or a place to stay. I think that sounds like a modern form of slavery. Don’t you? Even if Willy or Werner try to pay us later they do not have an address to send me or my family any money.

    As far as I know he still has not paid the hotels and he has not given back the art from the vendors that total over $50,000. The artists filed a police report in Bielefeld. We are looking for an attorney to represent us if we cannot get paid. That was our trip in a nutshell. Not that we had a bad time on the trip. There were so many of us we all felt a sense of security that we were not going through it alone. Our hotel out in the country was very beautiful. And the owners were very nice. They kept feeding us even when they had not been paid and let us finish out our stay until the buses picked us up.

    There was an article in the Bielefeld paper I can forward to you. We were on German National news and a local TV station here in the states. I know the internet is busy with this too. We need to keep this going so no one goes into anymore ventures with SerenaGmbh, Willy Bievers or Werner Mullender. Because if Willy and Werner can get away with not paying people on this trip and making us keep performing who knows what they will try to do next if anyone leaves with them again.

  29. Larry D. Nichols

    I had heard of this event and people wanted me to come to Mannheim. However, I have seen this abuse happen here in Germany many times before to Native Americans and I have fought these abusive people many times as well, so I knew what was going to happen to them. After the people left Mannheim I was informed of their situation and I knew that something had to be done to help the people. I contacted other Native Americans that also live here in Europe and the U.S. and told them what was happening and that these Native American people needed help. We contacted a few individuals of the group and asked them to confirm their situation and they did. We could not take any action at this point due to the laws here in Germany, so we had no other choice but to wait and watch. Two people volunteered to drove up to see how the situation was going and was keeping me informed the whole time. I had talked to many of those that were there on the phone and I could see that things were not good at all. Tuesday night was the deadline and it came early that the two organizers had disappeared and had not paid any one and their hand crafts were gone as well. I contacted the group leader and told him to make a written statement and to let everyone read it and sign it, and then to take it to the German police, which he did. The most important thing at this time was to get these people home safe. Knowing that the organizers had not paid the Hotel and the people, I could only guess that they had not paid the transportation bills for the buses either. That was when I called the Comanche Nation Headquarters and informed them what was happening and that the people would need transportation from Dallas, Texas to Oklahoma. I was insured that the Comanche Nation would pick up the cost and so I informed some of the people here that everything would be ok, and to tell the others that their families should pick them up at the Comanche Nation Headquarters in Lawton, Oklahoma. One Native American even went to the Frankfurt Airport early on Wednesday morning to make sure that the people were safe and ok and also to see them off. They are now at home safe and they will never forget what has happened to them. However, this is not yet over, those of us that live here will see to it that justice is done. We are tired of the abuse that has taken place on all of us here in Germany and of the stealing and selling of our Native American culture and traditions. It is time for the German people to wake up and see reality. No longer will we standby and watch our people, culture and traditions be abused. I have read here also that there are German hobbyist groups that want to help, even those that have misused our culture, traditions and have even stolen Native American flags and misused them. Do you really think that we are that stupid? We would appreciate it if you would just leave our people and culture alone, you will only hurt us, like you have always done. This is one of the biggest disgraces of Germany and those that are guilty should feel shame. There are a few good hearted German people that are true friends to Native Americans, and we appreciate your help and support, and we welcome only those few to help us with this matter. Our Native American people at home in the U.S. will not forget this slap in the face and I am sure that many have even forgiven those that have misused them, thats the honor and dignity that our people have in their vains. Learn something from it and earn it!

    Larry D. Nichols

  30. Well, I am truly shocked!!!
    Cant believe what I just read here!
    My Name is Jutta and I’m half german and half ungarian.
    I live in Mannheim since about 5 years now
    and I was at the pow-wow in Mannheim 4 days in a roll. I’m a truly native american indian „ADMIRE“ (not a fan or hobby-indian!) and I have some very close native friends in the US.
    I have met some very wonderful people here in Mannheim and I just loved what I saw there.
    I have even spend time with some of them in the Hotel Park-Inn where they all staid and sharing thoughts, laughs and lifestories.
    I had the best time in my life there these 4 days. I have also talked to the guy Willi who was the so called Boss from the show who brought them all over here – he said. He was talking about some problems with the indians but also saying that he had everything under control.

    I’m more than shocked to read now what happend to these people and that they didn’t get paid and so on.
    I feel so bad now even though it’s not my foult but knowing what has happend to the people that I admire so much, it brakes my heart.
    I just hope that they will not hate all the germans now because there are many who feel just like me.

    I hope and pray that they will get justice for such a horrible tragedy.
    My thought and prayers are always with them.

    Jutta Embeli

  31. Ania

    I was twice at the show in Bielefeld and I totally agree to the comments above. Your performances were wonderful and I think it’s a scandal what happend to you – modern slavery is unfortunalley the perfect expression for that! I am a student of law and I would really like to help you.
    I am polish, and there’s been several situations where me and my family made some sad experience with some people here. Of course, not all people are the same and luckiy there are people here who appreciate other cultures and want to help. I just feel so sad about your situation, you worked so hard, made a beautiful performance and now you’re being so bitterly disappointed. It’s a vast injustice!
    Please feel free to contact me (at my email address) if there are any news or questions!!!
    I really want to help and would like to raise money by the help of Radio Bielefeld (that way a lot of people could be reached and it’d be indeed a late but at least a small compensation for you who have been exploited by the Serena GmbH).

    I got one other question, does anybody know Doug Foote and if he got home safely?

    Thanks and God bless.

  32. ania78

    I was twice at the show in Bielefeld and I totally agree to the comments above. Your performaces were wonderful and I think it’s a scandal what happened to you – modern slavery is unfortunalley the perfect expression for that!
    I am a student of law and I would really like to help you guys.
    I am polish and there’s been several situations where me and my family made some sad experiences with some people here.
    Of course, not all people are the same and luckily there are people here who appreciate other culters and want to help. I just feel so sad about your situation, you worked so hard, made a beautiful performace and now you’re being bitterly disappointed. It’s a vast injustice!
    Please feel free to contact me ( if there are any news or questions!!!
    I really want to help and would like to raise money by the help of Radio Bielefeld (that way a lot of people could be reached and it’d be indeed a late but at least a small compensation for you who have been exploited by the Serena GmbH)

    I got one other question, does anybody know Doug Foote and if he got home safely?

    Thanks and God bless

  33. For Jan

    Hi Jan, I have just added a picture from Kyce in my blog for you. I took it at the PowWow in Mannheim.
    He is a cute proud little indian.

    God bless you all


  34. For Jan

    I have added a nice picture from Kyce for you, Jan
    since you were looking for some.
    Just klick on my name.

    Again I hope that Justice will take place for what happend to all the adorable Indian People who gave their best and earned a slap in their faces instead.

    Please don’t think that all germans are like this ‚cause we are not.


  35. An Rolf

    Danke für deine Rückmeldung.

    Liebe Grüße nach Hameln.

  36. To Larry

    Would you please contact me.
    My mailadress you will find on my HomePage.
    Just click my name.

    Thank you


  37. Jan

    Larry and everyone who is trying to help — THANK YOU! Our families are home safe, and yes, Doug is home safe too. 🙂 Please continue sharing updates with us via this website…. it will be wonderful and very appreciated when compensation is made available to all of the people who worked hard there. Continue getting the word out to the media about what happened.

    God bless you all…

  38. Not Good For Germany!
    Die Tänzer aus Oklahoma wurden betrogen und belogen!!!!

    Native American dancers swindled

    Oklahoma_Some Oklahoma Native Americans say they were caught in the middle of an International scam. They’re dancers who were hired to perform their native dances in Germany this summer.

    Seventy natives made the trip and signed a paid contract to perform for 25 days. But, they never got what the money they were promised. The group made it back late last night, tired from the ordeal and the journey. And now, they’re jobless and empty handed. Some of the group wanted to earn money for college, and some even had to give up their jobs to make the trip.

    Those who dance for a living had no advance, but they did have a round trip ticket. The dancers were able to get back to the U.S., but only as far as Dallas. Luckily, the Comanche Nation came to their aid. The tribe sent a charter bus to pick up the weary dancers and a part of the group made it back to Lawton late Wednesday night.

    The Connywerdy family – Kevin, his wife Cricket and their three children were part of the group. He and his family have gone on these dance trips before and this time out they thought they’d earn around $8000, part of the contract they’d agreed to with the German organization „Serena“. They were relying on the payment from the show to get them through the next few months.

    This group turned out to be two men. The contract the native dancers signed required each dancer to work 10 hours per day, rain or shine and be paid $150 per day. On the fifteenth day, after having not been paid, the dance group called off the shows.

    They were told by the Germans who had booked the troupe that they could go to the airport and wait 10 days until the return date on the ticket; or they could pay their own way home. Reluctantly, the Native Americans decided to fulfill their part of the contract.

    There has been a criminal report filed and some of the artists that were contracted to sell their jewelry haven’t had their goods returned. According to the contract, the German group was to send anything that was not sold back to the dancers; a value of at least $50,000 worth of art. This has not happened and the valuables are considered stolen.

    The U.S. Consulate was contacted and a police report has been filed. The consulate has informed the group that they must now hire a German attorney to handle its case – in Germany. And then they can proceed. An investigation into the German organization, „Serena“, is underway.

  39. !!!!Not Good For Germany!!!!

    Native American dancers swindled

    Oklahoma_Some Oklahoma Native Americans say they were caught in the middle of an International scam. They’re dancers who were hired to perform their native dances in Germany this summer.

    Seventy natives made the trip and signed a paid contract to perform for 25 days. But, they never got what the money they were promised. The group made it back late last night, tired from the ordeal and the journey. And now, they’re jobless and empty handed. Some of the group wanted to earn money for college, and some even had to give up their jobs to make the trip.

    Those who dance for a living had no advance, but they did have a round trip ticket. The dancers were able to get back to the U.S., but only as far as Dallas. Luckily, the Comanche Nation came to their aid. The tribe sent a charter bus to pick up the weary dancers and a part of the group made it back to Lawton late Wednesday night.

    The Connywerdy family – Kevin, his wife Cricket and their three children were part of the group. He and his family have gone on these dance trips before and this time out they thought they’d earn around $8000, part of the contract they’d agreed to with the German organization „Serena“. They were relying on the payment from the show to get them through the next few months.

    This group turned out to be two men. The contract the native dancers signed required each dancer to work 10 hours per day, rain or shine and be paid $150 per day. On the fifteenth day, after having not been paid, the dance group called off the shows.

    They were told by the Germans who had booked the troupe that they could go to the airport and wait 10 days until the return date on the ticket; or they could pay their own way home. Reluctantly, the Native Americans decided to fulfill their part of the contract.

    There has been a criminal report filed and some of the artists that were contracted to sell their jewelry haven’t had their goods returned. According to the contract, the German group was to send anything that was not sold back to the dancers; a value of at least $50,000 worth of art. This has not happened and the valuables are considered stolen.

    The U.S. Consulate was contacted and a police report has been filed. The consulate has informed the group that they must now hire a German attorney to handle its case – in Germany. And then they can proceed. An investigation into the German organization, „Serena“, is underway.

  40. Petra

    We all know that article already…
    If you read your self through you see the links and the post way up.
    And I’m sure the whole world knows by now.
    But thanks for reposting…
    Yes it is a bad picture for germany now but so god will, the natives know who is responsible.
    We are not „all“ like this.


  41. Hi, I heard about this story from a friend here in Germany while I was in Saskatchewan to extend my knowledge about Native American Herbal Medicine, as I am a naturopath and work with this medicine. So, native people of Canada share their knowledge with me and then I have to read something like this. Even I was so far away I became really mad. I always thought that European people have more respect for the Native Americans, but now I see that I was wrong.. it is like it always was.. they tell them to be „good“ indians and do the show and at the end they get nothing for their work.. even their craftwork is gone.. wow.. I hope that all this will come to a good end and that those who were „organising“ this trip will get what they deserve.. because what goes around comes around…

    And by the way I read that Serena bought more plane tickets than actually needed.. you cannot buy a plane ticket without a name on it.. so this is also very very weird.

  42. Ania

    hey Jan,
    thanks for the information regarding Doug 🙂 It’s good to hear that you all got back safe!

    serdecznie pozdrawiam
    take care

  43. Hi Karin

    What you’ve heard about the ticket is true.
    I was there with the people in the Hotel in Mannheim and I have met Willi.
    He told me that he got tickets for about 80 people who gave their YES to go on the trip to germany
    when he was over there to arange everything but at the end when it was time to hit the airplane, part of the people didnt show up.
    Now I think blessed be those who did not show up.
    But I’m sure they are now just as hurt as all the others who came over here with good thoughts and intentions.


  44. I have also heard yesterday that Willi Beivers said, he did not pay the people’s money at the time because they’ve left some damage in the Hotels an so on and even damaged a german car.
    He said he will take out that money for all the costs first before he pays a cent to the people….
    I had to laugh whether this is true or not.

    I also found out that this man Willi „SERENA GmbH did not even pay the pityful advertisement the internet that he had forced the publishers to make only 14 days before the show.
    later when the publishers threated him with the police and court, that’s when he paid.

    The publishers say that they will never do business with them again and that Serena is not a serious firm.

    So what does that tell you –
    This whole thing wasnt serious from the get go.


  45. To Elke

    I could write in german to you but I prefer to write in english so everybody can understand. Meaning our native people and who els can not read german.

    To your statement:

    Too late now – what happen happend and they all know NOW“ that this c…s…. is not a serious buiseness man at all.
    Why didn’t they check on him before they signed the papers I can answer that in one word:
    They believed and trused in the words of this c….s…!
    I don’t know if they will ever put any trust in such thing again – I wouldnt!
    But if they do I sure hope that they will get all the informations they need before signing any papers like that again.

    God bless them all!


  46. Mona

    * Elke

    Jemand wie du sollte sich mit seinen unqualifizierten und unsachlichen Argumenten vielleicht etwas zurückhalten.

    Deine Aussagen zeigen deutlich wessen Geistes Kind du bist. Du hast NULL Hintergrundwissen und kennst die Fakten nicht. Du warst nicht da und du redest einen solchen geistigen Unsinn, SORRY aber nur eben mal mitlesen und seinen unqualifizierten Senf hier abgeben ist unterste Schublade und sorry Jutta, ich habe von Elke schon viel gelesen und jetzt platzt mir hier wirklich die Hutschnur!! Jeder der mich kennt weiss das ich IMMER objektiv und sachlich bleibe aber das ist jetzt genug!!

    Darum meine Bitte an ELKE:

    Lass deine Beiträge hier einfach wech – is besser so

    Alles was getan werden muss und wichtig ist, ist längst unterwegs, niemand von der Gruppe braucht deinen Rat

    Schönen Abend noch,


  47. Elisabeth

    An Elke.
    Es ist ja woll ein Unterschied ,ob hier Native Amerikas übers Ohr gehauen werden, oder wir als Europäer mal eine Austellung machen,um sich seinen Lebensunterhalt damit verdient,oder das als nettes Zubrot hat und den Menschen damit eine Freude macht. Dann eine Frage an dich, wie alt bist du, nach deinen Aussagen mußt du uralt sein.
    Hast du es eigentlich nötig, auf Kosten anderer Leute Leid hier kostenlos Werbung zu machen.
    Mit freundlichen Gruß

  48. Hallo Mona

    Perfect statement.


  49. Und Leute…

    Bitte macht aus diesem Treat jetzt kein Diskussions, oder Streitforum für Arme, denn das ist bestimmt nicht im Sinn von WordPress.

    Hier sollen lediglich hilfreiche Infos und „Wissen“ zum eigentlichen Fall gepostet werden.

    Ich spreche da bestimmt auch in Andy’s Interesse, der diesen Treat eröffnet hat.

    Also bitte hier keine Streitthemen untereinander beginnen.


  50. Andreas

    Vielen Dank Jutta und Dank an alle die besonnen und achtsam schreiben.

    Dem habe ich nur eines hinzuzufügen:

    „Meinungen sind wie Grundstücke: Erstens sind sie zu teuer, und zweitens kann man nicht immer darauf bauen.“

    Oder wie der Dalai Lama sagt:

    „Die wahren Ursachen der Zufriedenheit und der Erfüllung müssen wir in uns selbst suchen.“

  51. Kim

    Thank you Jutta, you expressed our sentiments exactly. We did trust, when some of us found out about the trip, it was only four weeks from departure. When we looked up Willy and his company, we only found minimal information, plus when you dont read or write German, you will only grasp a minimal amount of information. We believed him, we are not idiots, many of us are professional people like yourselves who maintain a quality of life equal to our beliefs. In the end, we did what we were contracted to do, some of us did not participate and are not unrealistic or unfair in our expectations. Our risks were already realized when some of our regalia got wet and the wear and tear of abnormal conditions perpetuated damage to our moccasins, etc. Yes, our risk was trust and now the trust is gone unless our contracts are met. Many of us would like to visit your country again, but the trust factor will be erased we sadly admit.

    thank you again to Jutta for your kind words and Rolf for all your efforts. We know that you represent the people well, as we hope not all people will judge our group on any damages that may have occurred by our group.

    again, I am speaking from my own personal opinion which everyone is entitled to in my mind, heart and country.

    thank you all for your time.

  52. Kim

    Thank you, too for your nice words.
    Yes „Trust“ is a wonderful word and a great feeling when you believe that you can truly put all your trust in a person hoping you won’t get hurt.
    That’s why I am very very sad that you and your people had to experience the total opposite of the meaning behind this word here in germany.

    I can only speak for my part and no matter what negative things Willi says about your people, I had a great time these 4 days being with you all at the PowWow ‚til the end and spending time with some of your people in the hotel in Mannheim after. I had so much fun teaching your people some german, laughing and just sharing time.
    My special thanks goes to Reggie and Patric, Doug and Paul, Aaron and Clinton and a few others.
    Thank you for making me feel how I feel today.

    I wish you all the best for you and your families
    and may the great spirit always be with you and help you to get over this bad tragedy.
    And may justice be on your side and get you back what you deserve.

    Love and Respect!


  53. Elisabeth

    Wollte keine Unstimmigkeit hervorrufen,arbeite eng mit Mona zusammen,und bin stehts über das eigentliche Thema informiert,war selber in Mannheim und Bielefeld dabei.
    Bis dahin und schöne Grüße

  54. Hallo Elisabeth und Mona

    Auch wir sind auf dem Laufenden und unser allgemeines Interesse ist doch, dass die Natives zu ihrem Recht kommen.
    Mein Kommentar richtete sich auf die Dialoge zwischen euch und „Elke und es wäre zu beführchten, dass hier dieser Treat durch unsachgemäße Äußerungen vom eigentlichen Thema und Sinn dieses Treats, durch unschöne Worte in die falsche Bahn gelenkt würde.
    Das wollen wir doch alle hier vermeiden.
    (Euere Antwort-Kommentare auf Elke’s unsachgemäße Romane waren absolut in Ordung).


  55. Mona

    Als Information für alle Beteiligten

    Information to all participants

    Artikel aus der
    Stuttgarter Zeitung
    vom 16.08.2007

    Indianer sind zornig auf weiße Männer

    Nach Powwows in Mannheim und Bielefeld ohne Geld in US-Reservate zurückgeflogen

    Schon wieder habe sie der weiße Mann belogen und betrogen, sagen die Ältesten mehrerer Indianerstämme in den USA. Die Wut richtet sich dieses Mal auf deutsche Veranstaltungsmanager, die eine Gruppe Ureinwohner angeblich nach Strich und Faden ausgebeutet haben.

    Von Wieland Schmid

    In Mannheim haben sich die rund 60 Männer, Frauen und Kinder aus den Indianerreservaten von Oklahoma und Texas noch einigermaßen gut gefühlt. Zehn Tage lang haben die Tänzer, Sänger und Musiker im Juli den Nordbadenern gezeigt, was nordamerikanische Ureinwohner unter einem Powwow, einem Tanzfest, verstehen, und dabei nach eigener Ansicht ihr Bestes gegeben. Inzwischen sind die Komantschen, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Blackfeet, Kiowa und Lakota wieder daheim, aber dort graben sie derzeit das Kriegsbeil aus. „Alle Nationen sind in heller Wut“, sagt der 52-jährige Chief Strong Wolf, der in Heilbronn lebende Kriegshäuptling der Muskokee-Indianer. „Die deutschen Veranstalter haben meine Landsleute nach Strich und Faden hereingelegt.“

    Häuptling Starker Wolf, der in Florida auf den Namen Larry Nichols getauft wurde und seit mehr als 30 Jahren im Unterland lebt, telefoniert derzeit ständig mit empörten Stammesältesten in den USA, die sich wieder einmal vom weißen Mann betrogen fühlen. „Wir müssen sogar befürchten, dass deutsche Touristen in den Stammesgebieten angegriffen werden“, sagt Nichols, der sich zusammen mit mehreren anderen in Deutschland lebenden nordamerikanischen Ureinwohnern um das kümmert, was alle als „Skandal“ empfinden. Aber auch die US-Botschaft und die Bielefelder Polizei sind bereits in den Fall eingeschaltet, bei dem es um unbezahlte Honorare und Hotelrechnungen sowie den angeblichen Diebstahl von kunsthandwerklichen Gegenständen im Gesamtwert von mehreren Zehntausend Euro geht.

    Im Mittelpunkt der wachsenden Aufregung stehen die Geschäftsleute Werner Mullender und Willy Beivers von der Kölner Künstleragentur Serena. Die Veranstalter der Indianerfestivals in Mannheim und Bielefeld hatten zwischen dem 13. Juli und dem 5. August mehr als sechs Dutzend Indianer aus ihren Reservaten geholt und jeweils zehn Tage lang vor Publikum auftreten lassen. Für jeden Veranstaltungstag hatte die Firma Serena den Erwachsenen 150 und den Kindern 75 Euro vertraglich zugesichert. „Aber Beivers hat uns nur ab und zu ein paar Euro gegeben“, sagt Alan Yeahquo vom Stamm der Kiowa. „Heimgekommen sind wir ohne die vereinbarte Bezahlung.“

    Von „mächtigem Zoff“ hat die Bielefelder Zeitung „Neue Westfälische“ bereits berichtet. „Die Indianer beschuldigen den weißen Mann, der sie nach Deutschland geholt hat, ihnen die vereinbarte Gage vorzuenthalten“, heißt es in dem Beitrag, der einen Tag nach dem Rückflug der Indianer in die USA erschienen ist. Nach Angaben eines Bielefelder Journalisten hat „Willy Beivers das auch offen zugegeben, aber er fühlt sich im Recht“. Der Kulturmanager will „erst später endgültig abrechnen“ und wirft den Indianern seinerseits vor, sie hätten sich unter anderem nicht an die verabredeten Auftrittszeiten gehalten und ständig versucht, ihn „übers Ohr zu hauen“. Eine der betroffenen Indianerinnen, die mit ihrem zweijährigen Sohn nach Deutschland gekommen war, berichtet über die Furcht der ganzen Gruppe, zuletzt noch in Bielefeld zu stranden.

    Am Tag, als die Gage ausgezahlt werden sollte, waren die deutschen Veranstalter verschwunden. Erst nachdem sich die US-Botschaft eingeschaltet hatte, bezahlte die Firma Serena wenigstens die Busse zum Frankfurter Flughafen. Vom Zielflughafen Dallas konnten die zutiefst enttäuschten Indianer nur deswegen gleich weiterfahren, weil ein Cherokee-Häuptling auf Bitte von Larry Nichols Busse für die meist mittellosen Deutschlandreisenden organisiert hatte. Am Ende, klagt eine Indianerin, seien „die Tänzer und Sänger Sklaven gewesen, die nur für Verpflegung und Unterkunft gearbeitet“ hätten. Selbst wenn die Veranstalter jetzt zahlen wollten, hätten sie „keine Adresse, an die sie mir oder meiner Familie das Geld schicken könnten“.

    Das sieht Werner Mullender anders. „Wir werden das regeln“, verspricht der Geschäftsführer der Firma Serena auf Anfrage der Stuttgarter Zeitung. „Wir haben das Geld nur zurückbehalten, weil wir mit den Forderungen der Indianer nicht einverstanden sind.“ Er bemängelt unter anderem, dass 89 Flüge gebucht worden, aber nur 67 Indianer gekommen seien. Außerdem habe sich die Gruppe häufig nicht an die Auftrittszeiten gehalten, Einzelne hätten manchmal den ganzen Tag gefehlt. „Aber für freie Tage zahle ich nicht“, sagt Mullender. „Ich bin kein Goldesel, den man schröpfen kann.“ Jetzt will der Manager „erst mal die Fehlzeiten klären“. Dann, so sagt er, „kriegen die Leute ihr Geld, die gut gearbeitet haben. Aber mit manchen werden wir härter ins Gericht gehen müssen“.

    Mullender will trotzdem „noch mal so etwas veranstalten“, aber dann „suchen wir uns die Leute gezielt aus“, erklärt er. Fraglich ist allerdings, ob die geplante Anwerbung in Indianerreservaten erfolgreich sein wird. Von Heilbronn aus haben Larry Nichols und seine Mitstreiter nicht nur zahlreiche Stammesälteste in den USA vor den weißen Männern aus Köln gewarnt. Sie alarmierten auch die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, die auf ihrer Internetseite einen Warnhinweis veröffentlichen will.

    Aktualisiert: 16.08.2007, 06:16 Uhr

    TRANSLATION German >> English >> by an online translation programm and overworked by myself.

    Articles from the Stuttgart newspaper from the 16.08.2007

    *Indians are angry on white men
    *Afterwards Powwows in Mannheim and Bielefeld flown back without money in US reserves *

    Again the white man has lied to them and has cheated them, say the Elders of several Indian’s Tribes in the USA. The fury is directed this spot on German arrangement managers who have exploited a group of natives supposedly after lying through one´s teeth.

    Article written by Wieland Schmid

    In Mannheim about 60 men, women and children from the Indian reservations of Oklahoma and Texas have still felt fairly good. During ten days the dancers, singers and musicians have pointed in July to the north people of “Germany-Baden” what North American natives understand by a Powwow, a dance party, and besides, according to their own view her best given. In the meantime, are the Comanche, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Blackfeet, Kiowa and Lakota again at home, but they dig up the nowadays hatchet.
    “ All nations are in bright fury „, says the 52-year-old “Strong Wolf”, the war headman is living in “Heilbronn” and he is part of the “Muskokee Indian Tribes”. “ The German organizers have taken in
    my compatriots through one´s teeth. “

    Headman “strong wolf” who was christened in Florida by the name “Larry Nichols” and lives for more than 30 years in Germany, phones daily and constantly indignant tribe elders in the USA which feel cheated once again from the white man. “ We must even fear that German tourists are may be attacked in the tribal areas “ in the US, said Nichols who constantly takes care about what everybody feels as a great “scandal” and “Scam”. We work on this investigation with several trusted people in Germany and several North American Natives who are constant living in Germany.
    But also the US Embassy in Germany and the Bielefelder police are already switched on in the case with which it is about unpaid fees and hotel calculations as well as the supposed theft of art-craft objects in the total value of several ten thousand Euros.

    In the centre of the growing excitement stand the businessmen “Werner Muellender” and “Willy Beivers” of the Cologne artist’s agency “Serena”. The organizers of the Indian’s festivals in Mannheim and Bielefeld had got between the 13th July and the 5th August, more than six dozen Indians from their reservations and in each case allow to appear during ten days before audience. For every arrangement day the company “Serena” had assured by contract the adults 150 Euros and the children about 75 euros. But “Beivers” has given us only once in a while some Euros „, says “Alan Yeahquo” of the Kiowa Tribes“ We have come home without agreed payment. “

    The Bielefelder newspaper „Neue Westfälische“ has already reported about “ mighty trouble „.
    “ The Indians accuse the white man who has got them to Germany to keep from them the agreed
    fee „, one says in the contribution which has appeared one day after the return flight of the Indians to the USA. According to a Bielefelder journalist „Willy Beivers” has also admitted openly, but he feels in the right „. The cultural manager wants to settle accounts “ only later finally “ and accuses the Indians on his part, among the rest, they would not have kept to the arranged appearance times and would have tried constantly „to pull a fast one“ on him. One of the affected Indians who had come with her two-year-old son to Germany reports about the fear of the whole group to run aground last still in Bielefeld.

    During the day when the fee should be paid the German organizers had disappeared. Only after itself the US Embassy had switched on, the company “Serena” paid at least the busses to the Frankfurt airport. From the airport of destination Dallas the deeply disappointed Indians could go on only immediately because a Cherokee headman had organised at the request of Larry Nichol’s penalty for the mostly impecunious “Germany travellers”.
    At the end, complains an Indian, “ the dancers and singers have been Slaves who would have worked only for catering and lodging“. Even if the organizers wanted to pay now, they would have “ no address in which account they could send me or my family the money „.

    “Werner Muellender” sees this different. „We will regulate this“, promises the manager of the company “Serena” on inquiry of the Stuttgart newspaper. “ We have only kept back onto the money because we do not agree with the demands of the Indians. “ Among the rest, he criticises that 89 flights have been booked, but only 67 Indians have come. In addition, the group has not often kept to the appearance times, singles would sometimes have been absent the whole day. “ But for free days I do not pay „, says “Muellender.”
    “ I am no Gold-Ass which one can bleed. “ Now the manager “ wants to clear for the moment the time absents „. Then, so he says, “ the people get their money who have well worked. But with some we will have to go harder to the court „.

    “Muellender” wants to organise, nevertheless, “ once more such a thing „, but then “ we select to us the people straight „, he explains. However, it is doubtful whether the planned recruitment is successful in Indian reservations. From Heilbronn “Larry Nichols” and his comrades-in-arms have warned not only numerous Tribe Elders in the USA about the white men from Cologne. They also alarmed the society for threatened people, on her Internet page http: // a warning tip

    Updated on 8/16/2007



  56. This is what one of our Oklahoma born Southern Dancer (Anoli Wood – Choctaw) is saying. Please read this. Life is too short for political B.S. enjoy it while you can. Have a great day!

    Halito to everyone.

    I have heard of what happened to the Native Americans in Germany and my heart goes out to them. But why are the actions of dishonest men in Germany causing heartache and reason to disrupt the powwows in the UK and Europe?

    I know that not all of the people that attend the powwows here are of Native blood and they might have wigs and use faux suede and other types of materials to make regalia, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they are not taking the piss.

    So…here are my thoughts.

    What makes us think we are better? Just because we have been to powwows in the states for years? Because we have Native blood we are the only ones entitled to dance and follow The Path? Look inside their hearts. Look beyond the clothing. See what is there before you judge again and make such comments.

    Most of them have never been to the states. They only know what they have read and have asked about. They have taken the time to research the First People and probably know MORE than many of the First People! They found that to follow the powwows and dance fills a void. „Whites“ are beginning to realize that the First People had the right idea all along. They will be mistaken on some things at first but in time they do get it right. So they don’t dance like in the states. We aren’t in the states. They were taught by Natives that came to the UK years ago. And there isn’t that many that attend nowadays to teach them otherwise.

    I am from the Choctaw tribe of Oklahoma. My grandfather was full blood. My great-great grandparents travelled to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) on the Trail of Tears from Mississippi in 1837. I am Oklahoma born and bred. I am married to a British man and I do live in the UK. And I love it here.

    I only discovered that there were powwows here in the UK 3 years ago. Having attended powwows all my life in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas mostly, I was delighted to find that there were some here. At first I was a bit reserved about them here. The people here do mostly embrace the Lakota ways. I suspect that is because it was Lakota people who taught them the ways and therefore that is all they know. The way they dance and how they do their regalia is their interpretation of how it should be. They do research it all and take it to heart. Although much of it is very different from what I was used to in the states, I would never insult them for their efforts. They have all embraced me and are wonderful people. I’ve made many friends. And I treasure each of them.

    One thing I have discovered is that so many people are searching for something more tangible to bring them closer to The Creator. Something better than walking into a church to fill that void they are feeling. The people in the UK that I have talked to found that to follow The Path of the Native American brings them more peace and spirituality. They have told me that they find that the Native American ways and the respect for Mother Earth gives them the contentment they were searching for.

    Who can fault that?

    I’ve always found that for me to enter my „church“ is to just walk outside and there it is.

    The powwows here are small. The main drum group called the Centreland Singers travelled to the states and took many lessons how to drum and sing. They practise it and in my opinion, they do a wonderful job.

    I suppose the reason why so few of the First Nations are represented is because they haven’t really had many Native people attend and teach them of the other tribes. It’s gratifying to see the respect and they do put such effort into wanting to do it the correct way.

    I can guess that by now you realise that I love all of these people and even tho they may not have it all like it should be, they do try and I applaud their efforts.

    I’ve been getting contacted everyday by people wanting to know more and I was even invited to a private girls school to lecture. That was a joy! I am a storyteller and to be able to talk to the young ones and tell them the TRUE history of the First People is a gift. I have been „campaining“ for years to dispel the myth of the Hollywood Indian. I jump at the chance when I can inform and teach. I mostly tell the history of the Choctaw, who were the first tribe to be relocated to Indian Territory on the Trail of Tears. I tell many of the legends, not only of the Choctaw but of other tribes as well. They need to be told regardless of the tribe so they don’t die and fade away.

    To be able to talk to the people in the UK and to give them true insight is a gift from the Creator. I feel blessed.

    I stay away from the politics. I feel that by using my storytelling, and by example, I am doing more good for the First People.

    I will defend the people in the powwow circuit here with all my being. I feel anger at the ones that want to try and cause grief to them. I feel anger at anyone that accuses them of taking advantage of the Native American.

    Does anyone think I would continue to go to the powwows here and dance? Participate and have fellowship with them if I ever for one moment thought they were taking advantage? No I would not.

    Stop the madness. Stop this rumor mongering. Stop trying to cause trouble for people who have had nothing to do with it. This is NOT the way of the First People. Stop using this as a reason to cause grief to your own means. Backbiting and finger pointing is wrong. Stop it. Stop using other peoples words and twisting them to fulfill your own predijuces.

    This saddens me. My heart is heavy that people who claim to be Native American would do something so mean and hurtful.

    As always, I remain yours with The Creator.

    Ohoyo Anoli Hekia Wood

  57. Rolf

    I thank everybody so far for their support in here and the many mails that I received and still receive. Whatever the Serena guy´s are stating we should not stop this thing before it all comes to a good end for those friends who were affected.
    All the best for everybody and regards from the Oklahoma people to those who think about them.

  58. Rolf

    Ja das ist sehr, sehr traurig…
    Solche News sind bestimmt das letzte
    was sie jetzt noch zu allem Elend brauchen…

  59. h

    hi found ur site through this link…

    read this article…

  60. Heidi

    Ich war so begeistert von der Vorankündigung der Indianer in Bielefeld, aber ich bin auch nur zufällig darauf gestoßen. Es gab keinerlei Werbung! Also kein Wunder, daß nur einige wenige Leute auf der Radrennbahn anzutreffen waren!!! Die Indianer taten mir sehr leid. Sie hatten ihre prächtigen Pow Wow Kleider an, es regnete ( und es gab keine Überdachung) und sie gaben ihr Bestes in dem Matsch. Die kostbaren Kostüme wurden schmutzig und trotzdem brachten sie ihren unermüdlich ihren Einsatz!!!! Es war keiner dort, der sie betreute – katastrophal!!!!! Ich habe jede Menge tolle Fotos gemacht, doch jetzt kann ich mich gar nicht so recht darüber freuen. Es ist eine große Schweinerei von den Veranstaltern diese Leute so übern Tisch zu ziehen.
    Ich hoffe doch sehr, daß diese Sache im Sinne der ursprünglichen Absprachen geregelt wird!

    Antwort Andreas:
    Vielen Dank Heidi. Sie sollten sich aber trotzdem freuen. In Tibet gibt es einen Satz: „Wer einem Menschen glücklich macht, macht die ganze Welt glücklich.“
    Die Organisatoren werden das bekommen, was sie ausgesät haben. Da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher.

  61. A wonderful Prayer

    Check out this link

  62. Now I have tried to add a comment here for the third time and it not showing up

    ANDREAS would you please check and see what is wrong?


  63. Jutta

    A Prayer for us all

  64. Jan

    Any good news for the performers yet? Just wondering about the fundraiser mentioned above with the radio station, and anything else happening? Our families sure would like to know. They have bills to pay and would appreciate any updates anyone may have.

    God bless….

  65. Larry D. Nichols

    Hello Jan,

    I have been informed by one of our team members here that the German Criminal Police are now investigating this case. Whereas three charges were filed to the Bielefeld Police Station, two from the Hotel Managers and the one from the NA Group. This will take some time for them to sort all this out but, in the end we hope and pray that it will bring justice for all.

    We have contacted NARF in Boulder, CO., and the Human Rights Organization here in Germany to help us and to set up an account for needed donations for all those that were abused here, and as soon as I have more info I will get it out to you.

    Our prayers go out to all the families that have lost loved ones recently in Oklahoma. All the best to you and your families.


    Larry D. Nichols & Team

  66. Kim

    Thank you for all of your prayers and concern. I know there are alot of people that have been making phone calls and inquiries on our behalf. When I say „our“ I mean the people that were actually the „Grass Roots People“. I have some concern/question about procedure for an „abuse fund“. My question is who determines what the fund is actually used for and how it would be disbursed? Where would the fund be at? In the USA? What name is actually the human rights group? I have not been contacted by anyone and have not had any direct contact with anyone although we had provided many people with our contact information. Another concern to me is that mine and my childrens contact information may not be in secure hands, as I have no idea who has it.
    I would like to know who is on the above referred „team“, as i was not aware the group as a whole or any individuals have any official representation. Would someone be willing to send/scan to me some of the other articles that have been sent out since the last one? Again, we certainly honored our agreements and only want to be treated fairly which i am sure will happen, but it would have been nice to have been paid so the kids could get things for school, etc. What a bad time for noone to have funds! Jan, if you are still reading the blog, would you email me Karla’s email? I was not able to get her contact information and would like to maintain contact. Jutta, we enjoyed the pictures and i wish we had more! everyone thank you for your encouragment and keep in touch. I will be checking this blog again soon.
    oh, does anyone have contact infor for Udo (sp?) he was so good to us while in your country, we would like to also contact him.

  67. Hi Kim

    Thanks for your comment.
    I have Udo’s contact adress and e-mail.
    If you send me your e-mail adress I can send you his details.
    As I do not want to put anybody’s deatails in here I would prefer that you just contact me by e-mail.
    You can find my e-mail adress on my homepage.
    Just click my name on my comment from Aug. 13th.
    You will see 2 comments at this date above Jan’s comment. Just click my name and my german homepage will open.
    On the end of the page you will find my yahoo e-mail adress.
    Looking forward to hear from you.

    God bless you all


  68. This is a open response to the ill-fated „German Summer Tour of 2007“ of Native American Dancers, Singers, and Artists.
    By Richard Donaghey (Caddo-Delaware)

    First of all, I realize that by writing this response to the German Summer Tour of 07, that I will not make very many friends. But, it is something that has to be said….as many Natives are trying to make it in the world of arts and media.

    I am Richard Donaghey, I own, produce, and direct First Nations Dance Company, we do consider ourselves to be the most successful all-Native owned and operated professional Native dance company in the world. And perhaps this is a good place to begin, and that is to define success in the business world, regardless of race or ethnicity.

    We consider ourselves to be successful because since 1992, FNDC has never failed to meet our payroll obligations to any of our artists. Since 1992 FNDC has performed in the best venues in the world such as Istanbul, Bristol, Amsterdam, Belfast, Rotterdam, Frankfurt, Brussels, and over a hundred western european cities. Considering we work with major television networks such a Veronica, RTL-4, at one time even ZDF, and others, our viewing audience is close to 1.7 million viewers.

    For over 6 years, until 2002, Bob De Jong a Dutch television producer that we work closely with produced the weekly television series „Western Lifestyle“. This program was about ‚cowboys and indians‘, and FNDC was lucky enough to be a major part of that program. FNDC recieved several minutes each week performing Native dances and doing cultural interviews. Because of this TV program and our work with the annual Western Experience exhibition, FNDC became the most well known Native dance company in Europe. Currently we still work with Bob De Jong Management, and FNDC is currently scheduled to perform at Western Experience 2008, in Den Bosch, Netherlands, during the last weekend in January 2008.

    I laugh sometimes because, I am not very good at getting out press releases in the United States, we win no awards in the arts, we are not even nominated for any, I have dropped most of my memberships in Native organizations because those Native organizations do nothing for us, they are too far behind. We went from keeping a database of over a hundred dancers to about 30 „reliable“ people, and I say with great pride that we have not performed in the United States,Yet…we will not work for peanuts.. And we will not sell out to other parties who think we should work for nothing.

    So, we win no awards for our work..Boo Hoo..O, I am sad…. However, FNDC is a business, we are not some 501 non-profit artsy fartsy organization! We pay taxes on our income, and I pay quarterly estimated taxes just like any other business in America… We are a success in the typical American standard of business.. We make a profit, we are in the black. we always pay our dancers..we have never missed a payroll. I say with great pride as a Native business owner that if an incident occurs and the sponsor dies or something, and say for instance, we cannot get our money immediately.. Then as a Native American producer who understands the financial risks involved…well guess what..because I am the producer..I could gurantee to my performers that within a few days of arriving home, that I would pay their salaries and fees, etc from the FNDC accounts. I can say that and currently, I know of no other Native American producer who can make such a statement? If there is let me know, and I’ll go to work for them!

    It is strange as a note, there are many people nominated for NAMMYs, etc…and they are artists. Straight up, some of thoses artists are broke, they may win awards true, but they are still broke. They are probably so broke that they cannot even afford to go to the NAMMYs..tell me again „What is success“? As a Native producer, I can pay the salaries out of my own pocket if necessary!

    I do understand where Willy Beivers is coming from, as he most certainly did not understand the actions of some Natives. Straight forward, Willy should have hired me, because I can do with 18 people what he thought would take 100 Natives. All of my dancers are into multitasking, they have to dance, sing, be artists, and most importantly they are taught to work with the public.

    So, Willy thought it was strange that some of the so-called performers or artists did not keep to their schedule. Straight-up, there are many Natives who simply do not have the self-discipline to be on time. I feel sorry for Willy in that sense. However, for me as a Native producer, I would simply fire you! No problem, and Yes, after I „Pay You“ what I owe you, I would tell you to make your own way to the airport. As a Native producer who takes an enormous financial risk in such ventures, I have no time or sympathy for such individuals.

    Willy mentioned in a telephone interview that some of the Natives did not show up..Oh Wow, like that is something new in working with Natives. As a Native producer I have to put up with absolute „Numbskulls“ who miss the plane, or did not even bother to apply for a passport..this is very costly! So, if 13 performers out of 100 did not show up, that means that you lost money on those tickets..OK, here is the math, 1 ticket equals 1300.00 USD. X 13 = 16,900 USD. Just think at the end of the German program, it would have been nice to have almost 17,000 dollars to distribute to the dancers. But, that money was wasted by irresponsible Natives, who just did not bother to show up, or were to lazy to communicate to the sponsors of the program that they were not coming. Once again, as a Native producer who takes the risks, and understands those risks, I have „No Time“ for irresponsible Natives who cannot communicate or cannot get a passport. Those people who miss the plane have no excuse, though Natives just like others come up with some pretty good excuses. Currently, those Natives performing in my company must have a passport, and must begin using electronic forms of communication, like e-mail..through e-mail I can send a performer’s airline ticket via e-mail..No problem. Only as a note do I say that this one of the toughest problems in working with Natives. „Real Life Experience“ in all these issues has been a really tough teacher!

    Yeah, Willy made a few mistakes, without advertising you are nowhere. Without major sponsorship, you are nowhere. Without good communications your event is nowhere. It is really too bad because there are over 60 Native American hobbyist clubs in Germany, and the Germans as well as many Europeans love Native Americans and their culture. However, as far as I know to date, no one has been able to communicate in an organized fashion with these clubs. And those clubs are a huge market. Willy like many promoters had a good idea. But, without such an event being operated as a business, then guess what, you are nowhere!

    I personally and professionally think that the performers have basically lost out of their money. It will cost more in lawyers fees then what you may get back…I read in some blog that Willy said..“The performers will get their salaries“..OK..maybe they get paid later on. That would be nice. I know people say they had a contract…yeah, So what! Get Real, if you had an producer like me! I would have the promoters get me a „Letter of Credit“ from their bank. With that letter, I could draw down the performers salaries into a seperate account in a foreign bank…and to make a long story short, all the dancers would have gotten their money. I can tell you this, and it is easy. But, this where Native artists need to begin looking at themselves, and ask a simple question „How successful do you want to be in media and the arts“. And it will not happen if Native artists do not educate themselves about the world of business. You can be the greatest artist in the world. But, no one will know if you don’t learn good advertising and marketing skills. My CPA once told me that the business laws of America are the best and I believe that. But, many Native artists do not take advantage of those laws, perhaps they can’t read? I do not know?

    Understanding culture, is a key ingredient in international business..I know a producer who works in Europe, it is my job. I have over time learned a few foreign languages in the conversational mode, some I read and write such as Dutch, French, Italian, German, and a little bit of Turkish, Arabic, and Russian. It is my job! I read in some blog that the Natives thought they would make a lot of money.. Well I know Western Europeans, as was mentioned by some one from Germany that they (Indians) should not have such high hopes of making grand amounts of money? It all turned out to be too true for the guys and gals that went to Germany.

    When FNDC does shows in various venues, we are allowed to sell audio CDs, and Native arts and crafts. No problem. But, what I tell all my performers is that low priced items sell fast, and high priced items sell slow, or not at all. Though the markets in europe are good and steady year round, many europeans spend their money only after thinking about it two or three times. Items priced between 5-35 euros sell well…Over 50 euros and you may end up taking those items home with you.. There is a market, that market is basically 90% of the 50 euros and below crowd. But remember that is 90% of your market. There is a 10 % of conniesuers of Native arts who will spend 500 euros on up for really fancy Native art. But, that is only 10%. So, this knowledge is free for those people who listen..I learn the culture of my „Clients“ that way I am financially successful. As a note, it makes me laugh that many times it is the Native American that says, „Understand my culture“. Yet, there are those Natives who are unwilling to learn another culture in order to make a better living at whatever they may do! Be it in the arts and media.

    Like I said, we win no awards, and were not nominated for anything. But, Since 1992 First Nations Dance Company has made a home in Western Europe. We have made money in Europe, enough to be fiscally successful, enough to reinvest in my own company and create Donaghey Media, and NDN-TV.COM. Success in other areas such as tourism promotion is just as good. My little company helps to promote the 4-Corners region for tourism, to the tune of 2.7 million in foreign tourism, that is New Mexico alone. These are the dollars that come to the Indian reservations from europe. In the future, with a few more dollars, then Donaghey Media will go into the creation of Native films.

    One of the major reasons for writing this is because without the Europeans, my business would be flat broke. We would have been put out of business. If we depended upon American dollars then we would not exist. I have a tendency to believe that there are a number of other artists who depend greatly upon their income from overseas sources, not just europe. That is because Native Americans are loved around the world.. In this day and age where there is a great deal of anti-americanism, and for some strange reason or rationale Americans are loathed around the world. But, in spite of open hatred of Americans, we the Native people, or Indians are actually loved, admired, and respected by nations throughout the world. And, yes, I exploit that concept to create at least temporary jobs for my performers.

    There have been many incidents over the years where performing arts groups are not paid or do not get what they were supposed to recieve, and that is too bad. Yes, I personally know of events in Holland, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, Greece, and Russia, where the promoters went „Belly Up“, and I think the dancers were lucky to have a plane ticket back home. But, to me a long time pow-wow dancer, it would not be the first time a pow-wow could not pay out what they advertised as their prize money. I think many dancers can relate to that analogy. When you win at a pow-wow and someone gives you a IOU or „I’ll have the money tomorrow“, of course that money will never be seen! And thats Indians cheating other Indians. Forget the europeans at this point it’s not their fault.

    OK, back to Americans, they are no better in my book. Shows that we have scheduled in the States just have not come to pass for whatever reasons. But, here is a good reason, in my opinion, Americans are full of bull$%^^# ! In our latest escapade with Americans from the International House of the University of Chicago, in association with Kalapriya Dance Company. FNDC was to perform with this other dance company last April. In the long run, the University of Chicago, International House, never had their funding to begin with..we (FNDC) wasted time, money, and resources on a group we thought to be legitimate. I actually flew to Chicago to visit the director of the Kalapriya Dance Company and she was thrilled to have a Native dance company to perform with.. But, alas…No money honey, and 2 months before we supposed to perform, the International House canceled our performance. Work with Americans? Forget that noise! Old white man’s saying: „Money talks and bullshit walks“. Give me all the International work!

    Last April, while other dance groups or troupes send e-mails to producers and directors in Europe. I went to Holland and spoke with my promoters, I laid out what I wanted to do in the future. By doing that, by traveling to Holland and making a few personal visits with my clients. I have guranteed work for my company for the next 5 years. Oh Yeah, and we will get paid. Ask Kevin Connywerdy, he was one of the participants that went on this German Summer Tour of 07. I did speak to him on the phone the other day as I was recruiting him to come back to Holland with us for Western Experience 08. Of course Kevin and his wife Kricket accepted our offer. Kevin knows for sure that this time he will get paid.

    OK, time to say good bye..

    Richard Donaghey

    First Nations Dance Company
    Donaghey Media International

    My web sites need updating..but here they are.

    Bob De Jong and Western Experience B.V. website

    (Please excuse my awful english….)

  69. Kim

    As one of the natives that danced and sang in Germany for four weeks, I can honestly say I’m not a professional dancer. The oppurtunity arose for oklahomans to go and young people, including my two children, saw this as a way they could earn money for maybe braces, contacts, a computer, tuition, football equipment, etc. We are not stupid, maybe naive in some areas, but we had many professional people on the tour. We had contracts with these people that should be honored. I have heard that Serena is saying we were begging for money. How hilarious considering they owe us, we should not have to ask for money that is owed to us by contract. For anyone to agree to that is ludicrious. I would like for someone to explain to a 12 year old, or a 16 year old youth that you can agree to do something and not hold up your part of the deal. My children have learned not to trust. And yes, to the previous post, we are not professionals and obviously do not have the expertise you have in handling such matters, but I’m sure you dont have the expterise many professionals on the tour have. 😉 With all due respect, a contract agreement was made with individuals and only one of my kids missed a sole afternoon of a performance and they danced and sang their hearts out. As an adult, a mother, and a native person who believes in the Creator, I truly believe that we do not enter into agreement with someone and not honor that agreement. We have in fact been presented as performers which is fine, and now that the contracts arent honored, we are now being referenced as beggars? Serena came to the United States and BEGGED for someone to come and dance and sing. People here responded, we were not the desperate people in this situation. Now is the time to be supportive, we all realize in hindsight what should have happened in the beginning, so some support would be appreciated.
    thank you to all of you who continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We must continue to pray for the company Serena, for they the people who really need prayer! For their supporters, I will pray for them too!

  70. cherokeedesign

    Native American dancers swindled

    Aug 14, 2007 02:11 AM

    Oklahoma_Some Oklahoma Native Americans say they were caught in the middle of an International scam. They’re dancers who were hired to perform their native dances in Germany this summer.

    Seventy natives made the trip and signed a paid contract to perform for 25 days. But, they never got what the money they were promised. The group made it back late last night, tired from the ordeal and the journey. And now, they’re jobless and empty handed. Some of the group wanted to earn money for college, and some even had to give up their jobs to make the trip.

    Those who dance for a living had no advance, but they did have a round trip ticket. The dancers were able to get back to the U.S., but only as far as Dallas. Luckily, the Comanche Nation came to their aid. The tribe sent a charter bus to pick up the weary dancers and a part of the group made it back to Lawton late Wednesday night.

    The Connywerdy family – Kevin, his wife Cricket and their three children were part of the group. He and his family have gone on these dance trips before and this time out they thought they’d earn around $8000, part of the contract they’d agreed to with the German organization „Serena“. They were relying on the payment from the show to get them through the next few months.

    This group turned out to be two men. The contract the native dancers signed required each dancer to work 10 hours per day, rain or shine and be paid $150 per day. On the fifteenth day, after having not been paid, the dance group called off the shows.

    They were told by the Germans who had booked the troupe that they could go to the airport and wait 10 days until the return date on the ticket; or they could pay their own way home. Reluctantly, the Native Americans decided to fulfill their part of the contract.

    There has been a criminal report filed and some of the artists that were contracted to sell their jewelry haven’t had their goods returned. According to the contract, the German group was to send anything that was not sold back to the dancers; a value of at least $50,000 worth of art. This has not happened and the valuables are considered stolen.

    The U.S. Consulate was contacted and a police report has been filed. The consulate has informed the group that they must now hire a German attorney to handle its case – in Germany. And then they can proceed. An investigation into the German organization, „Serena“, is underway.

  71. Mmh, wieso kommt mir das irgendwie bekannt vor, was da vom Veranstalter abgezogen wurde? Sieht nach einer üblichen Masche aus…

  72. Larry D. Nichols


    There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes here in Germany and in the United States with the Lawyers that are representing the NA group, the group’s spoke person Cricket Connywerdy and I.

    We took action on the foggy morning of Thursday the 1st of November, when we finally made an agreement through the Lawyers with the Owner of the Spedition and Serena GmbH for an appointment after two other appointment failures to travel up to and in the area of Köln, Germany. It was there the NA group’s Vendors property was stored by Serena GmbH at a local German Spedition. Our job was to photograph and inventory it and bring back with us the property of Dana Tiger and Jennifer Wilson.

    Serena GmbH (Herr Willi Beivers and Herr Werner Müllender) informed us that they had made a deal out with Reggie Giego concerning his property, and as we did not have a Power of Attorney from Reggie, we could not take his property with us. However, we were able to get the property of Dana and Jennifer only after we inventoried it together with Herr Beivers and Herr Müllender. They were very friendly and cooperative with us as well, and I believe that was a very smart move in the right direction. I can only hope that they continue to cooperate in the future.

    We did not pay any money for the costs of storage or any other costs concerning the Vendors property. We loaded up the boxes in Udo’s trailer which were about 1.5 tons all together and transported it back to Udo’s place where those items are now with Udo Gramlich and are to be shipped back to the States as soon as possible. Due to the high costs of shipment back to the United States we will try to get sponsors and ask for donations to help pay for this.

    In the mean time, I have been informed by the spokes person for the NA group, Cricket Connywerdy that the NA group does have a Bank account with the Native American Bank in Boulder, Colorado set up to take in donations to help support those Artists and their families who are in very bad financial need of money due to their contract not being honored by the German business company Serena GmbH.

    On behave of those Native American individuals and their family members that were here presenting their culture and traditions; we would appreciate any and all help from the German public and the media here in Germany concerning this donation account in the best interest of helping those Native American Artists and their families. Many of them have gone through very difficult times due to their willingness and sincerity to share their culture and traditions with the German people.

    The checks need to be made payable to: First American Performing Artist.
    Send checks to this address:

    Native American Bank
    Attn: Theresa Duncan
    999 18th Street, Suite 2460
    Denver, CO 80202 USA

    For further information contact the group spokes person Cricket Connywerdy (001)-918-230-6817

    We have made progress by getting the property back from Serena GmbH and we are still working on the rest as this is an ongoing case. I will keep the public informed as progress is made available and cleared from the group’s Attorneys.

    Thank you for sharing with me your time, interest, concern and I hope to have another up date for you again soon. All the best to you and your families.


    Larry D. Nichols & Team

  73. Kim

    this is an good news for the vendors involved, and we thank Udo and Larry for their active role! We also continue to thank everyone for their prayers and support of efforts of the group. We are certain that Reggie will get his items returned to him in due time. the attorney has been hard at work for us and we appreciate all efforts!!!

  74. Ania

    It is sad to see that all the people who were so upset about the Native Americans being abused here in Bielefeld and Mannheim, seem to have fotgotton about their sympathy and their eagerness to help.
    Many of the Native Americans who were here presenting their culture have gone through very difficult times due to the treatment they had eperienced here in Germany being mistreated and financially abused.
    On behalf of the Native American individuals and their family members that were here presenting their traditions we would appreciate honest, sincere help from the public concerning the donation account and not from people apparently interested in Native American culture.

    The checks need to be made payable to : First American Performing Artist.
    Send checks to this address:
    Native American Bank
    Attn: Theresa Duncan
    999 18th Street, Suite 2460
    Denver, CO 80202

    We would really appreciate any help from you.
    For further information please contact the group spokes person Cricket Connywerdy.

    With best regards,
    Ania Kasprowicz

  75. Kim

    Thank you Ania for your contribution to the subject. Truely, this has been a trying time for all who agreed to go to Germany. We were not able to be tourists like we had planned, but we are sure that not all German people are like the hosts that we had. I hope during the holiday season that many people will be enlightened to do the right thing for the wrongs that have been done.

  76. Kim

    Today is January 31, 2008 and none of the Native People that went on the trip to Germany were compensated as of this date, not only that, the vendors still do not have their goods. Perhaps the German people have forgotten us, and it is a shame the majority of memories we will have of our trip if mostly of the injustice, a sad lesson to learn for our children who danced faithfully and with a good heart everyday. To those that befriended us, we are thankful for your kind words and your gestures while we were in your country.

    have a good day

  77. Ania

    Yes, it is very sad that up to now there was no compensation for you, who have presented their culture here in Germany.
    But there is a group of people who was and still is doing their best to help.
    The team around Larry D. Nichols was able to get the goods (property of Dana Tiger and Jennifer Wilson) out of Mr.Beviers and Mr.Müllers place.
    So the property is now in their possessions but it is very expensive to ship it back to the US as for the moment.
    Regarding the donations, there was an attempt to start to collect money by asking Radio Bielefeld for help, which was unfortunatley rejected.
    Larry D. Nichols is keeping in touch with Dana Tiger, Jennifer Wilson as well as the lawyers and doing everything in his power to bring this to a appropriate finish.
    You are not forgotton and I feel very sorry for what happened to you in this country.
    With best regards, Ania

  78. Hallo Freunde der Native Americans,
    wie viele von Euch wissen, war im Sommer 2007 eine Gruppe Native Americans zu zwei Veranstaltungen in Deutschland (Mannheim u. Bielefeld) eingeladen.
    Nach der letzten Veranstaltung in Bielefeld wurde den Künstlern telefonisch mitgeteilt, dass ihre Gegenstände gestohlen sind. Daraufhin haben die Künstler eine Diebstahlanzeige gegen die Veranstalter gemacht.
    Nachdem ich davon unterrichtet wurde habe ich herausgefunden, dass diese Behauptung unwahr ist und sich die Gegenstände in Verwahrung des Veranstalters befinden. Daraufhin habe ich mit Larry Nichols Kontakt aufgenommen und wir sind zu den Veranstaltern gefahren. Nach Inventur haben wir die Kisten mit den Kunstgegenständen abholen können. Seitdem lagerten die Kisten in meinem Anhänger und jetzt in meiner Garage. Wir haben versucht die Kisten über einen Kontakt bei der US Army kostenfrei zurück in die USA zu schicken. Dies scheiterte zum Jahresende 2007.
    Jetzt ist eine Lösung gefunden. Der Rücktransport in die USA wird ca. 1000,00 Euro kosten. Dafür benötigen wir eure finanzielle Mithilfe.
    Wer sich an den Kosten beteiligen möchte oder Gelder für diesen Zweck sammeln kann, meldet sich bitte bei mir.

    Ich bin telefonisch am Besten dienstags bis donnerstags von 10 Uhr bis 13 Uhr und von 15 Uhr bis 18 Uhr erreichbar, ansonsten per e-mail oder Post.
    Ich hoffe sehr, das Ihr uns helfen könnt, damit die indianischen Künstlern ihr Kunsthandwerk zurück bekommen.
    Vielen Dank für Eurer Interesse und eure Unterstützung.

    Viele Grüße
    Udo Gramlich

    Indianershop Seven Arrows
    Im Kerner 32
    67591 Offstein/Germany
    Telefon: 06243/72 27
    Phone: 049-6243-72 27

    Hello friends of the Native Americans,
    as many of you know, a group of Native Americans was invited for two Events in Germany (Mannheim and Bielefeld) in the summer 2007. After the last show in Bielefeld it was communicated to the artists by telephone that their articles are stolen. Thereupon the artists made a theft announcement against the organizers. After I was informed of that, I have found out that this statement is untrue and that the articles are in a storage of the organizer. Thereupon I contacted with Larry Nichols. We made an appointment with the organizers and the warehouse manager and we drove up there. After stocktaking we could fetch the boxes with the art articles. Since then the boxes with the articles were stored in my trailer and now in my garage.
    We have tried to send the boxes back into the USA over a contact with US Army free of charge. This failed to the year end 2007. Now a solution is found. The return transport to the USA becomes approx. 1000.00 Euro cost. But we need your financial assistance.
    Who would like to support or can take part in the costs or collect funds for this purpose, please get in contact with me.
    You can reach me by telephone at the best Tuesday to Thursday from 10 am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm , or by email or post mail.
    I hope very much, that you can help here, that the Native American Artists get their arts and crafts back. Thank you for your interests and your support.
    Best Regards
    Udo Gramlich

    Indianershop Seven Arrows
    Im Kerner 32
    67591 Offstein/Germany
    Telefon: 06243/72 27
    Phone: 049-6243-72 27

  79. chelsea

    very interesting….what a horrible thing that happened to the indianers!

  80. Kim


    yes, it was a horrible thing, but trip had so much promise for us and the Germans. We hope that people will remember and consider contributing to our cause. We have a yahoo group under construction and I will post it when it is ready for public perusing.

    Thank you for your good thoughts!


  81. Ania

    Der Skandal an den Indianern in Mannheim und Bielefeld

    Der internationale Kulturveranstalter Serena GmbH in Köln bereitete im Sommer 2007 das größte Indianer Pow Wow Europas vor. Die Veranstaltung fand letzten Sommer an zwei Orten statt, und zwar in Mannheim (Maimarktgelände) vom 13 Juli – 22 Juli 2007 und in Bielefeld (Radrennbahn) vom 23 Juli – 5 August 2007.

    Die Teilnehmer waren Vertreter folgender Stämme:
    Kiowa Nation – Comanche – Wichita – Delaware – Caddo Tribe – Apache – Otoe Tribe – Lakota – Cheyenne – Arapaho – Fort Sill-Apachen – Lakota – Navaho Nation – Pawnee Nation – Northern Cheyenne – Cherokee Nation – Mt. Chippewa Nation – Sioux Nation – Kiowa-Zuni Nation – Creek – Choctow – Osage/Pawnee – Hochunk – Seminole – Blackfeet – Turtle Mtn. Chippewa – River Sioux/Lakota – Kickapoo – Zuni – San Carlos Apache

    Die meisten der 65 Indianer kamen aus dem US-Bundesstaat Oklahoma. Sie hatten traditionelle Gegenstände ihrer Völker mitgebracht und ausgestellt. In den Tipis waren einige Souvenir – und Handwerksstände errichtet, in denen stammesbezogene Produkte verkauft wurden, z.B. Töpferwaren, Silberschmuck, Bilder, Kleidung, Decken und Lederwaren.

    Die Organisation dieser Veranstaltung kann man ruhig als sehr bescheiden beschreiben. Es war traurig anzusehen, dass die Natives so missbraucht worden sind. Zusätzlich gab es kaum Zuschauer, da es hier in Bielefeld kaum Werbung gab, außer ein paar kleinen Plakaten entlang der Heeperstr.

    Das ganze Gelände auf dem die Veranstaltung stattfand, war umzäumt und mit weißen Vorhängen behangen. Es gab viele Leute, die bis zum Eingangstor an die Radrennbahn gekommen sind, und dann enttäuscht über die Höhe des Eintrittsgeldes (Erwachsene 12 Euro, Kinder 6-12 Euro) und die mangelnden Informationsgehalte der Plakate wieder heimgingen.

    Es gab so gut wie keine Werbung, der Platz war nicht vorteilhaft, die Hälfte war eine Kirmes mit verschiedenen Karussells und Pommesbuden. Die laute Musik spielte sogar während der Tänze und Vorführungen der Künstler.

    Es war für die Natives und ihre Traditionen sehr entwürdigend. Sie haben aber trotz aller Umstände eine sehr schöne Darbietung ihrer Kultur und Traditionen gezeigt.
    Diese Veranstaltung sollte eine informative und völkerverbindende Veranstaltung darstellen, was dem Veranstalter zum traurigen Nachteil der Indianer allerdings deutlich misslungen ist.

    Die Zuschauerzahl in Bielefeld war recht übersichtlich, anstatt der angekündigten 40-60 Verkaufsstände und über 100 Teilnehmer gab es nur wenige Stände. Die Behandlung der Tänzer und Künstler seitens der Serena GmbH war unter aller Würde.

    Die Indianer mussten die Rückreise ohne die versprochene Bezahlung antreten. Außer der Vorenthaltung der versprochenen und verdienten Gagen, ist auch ein Container mit den Kunstwerken der Indianer verschwunden. Glücklicherweise wurden Ihnen durch die Hilfe einiger Menschen, darunter Larry D. Nichols geholfen, so dass sie zumindest gut und sicher nach Hause gekommen sind. Herr Nichols hatte die Comanche Nation über die Situation hier in Deutschland informiert, so dass der Transport aus Dallas, Texas nach Oklahoma auf eigene Kosten gesichert wurde.
    Die Bielefelder Polizei ist bereits in den Fall eingeschaltet bei dem es nicht nur um unbezahlte Honorare, Hotelrechungen aber auch um das Abhandenkommen von kunsthandwerklichen Gegenständen im Gesamtwert von mehreren zehntausend Euro geht.

    Dank der unermüdlichen Mühen von Larry D. Nichols und seinem Team wurde in Boulder, Colorado die Gruppe bestehend aus verschiedenen Stämmen um Cricket Connywerdy kontaktiert, woraufhin ein Konto in der Vereinigten Staaten errichtet wurde.
    Auf dieses Konto soll allerdings nur mit Checks bezahlt werden an:

    -First American Performing Artist-

    Adresse ist:
    Native American Bank
    Attn: Theresa Duncan
    999 18th Street, Suite 2460
    Denver, CO. 80202 USA

    Außerdem konnten die Kunstgegenstände (von Dana Tiger und Jennifer Wilson) von Larry D. Nichols und Udo Gramlich am 1. November 2007 mit dem Einverständnis der Anwälte sowie der Kooperation von Herrn Willi Beivers und Herrn Werner Müllender abgeholt werden und werden zurzeit an einem anderen sicheren Ort gelagert. Es wurde versucht, die Kisten über einen Kontakt bei der US Armee kostenfrei zurück in die USA zuschicken. Dies scheiterte zum Jahresende 2007.

    Nun geht es darum, die Rückgabe dieser Kunstgegenstände zurück in die USA zu finanzieren. Dazu werden ca. 1000 Euro benötigt.

    Zum Zeitpunkt dieses Vorfalls gab es eine Menge Menschen die bereit waren zu helfen, doch mit der Zeit verging wohl auch das Interesse. Daher appellieren wir nochmals hiermit an die Öffentlichkeit, mit der Bitte sich an den Kosten für die Rückführung dieser Gegenstände zu beteiligen und eine Spende an folgendes Konto von dem Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees e.V. Germany zu entrichten.
    (Das Spendenkonto ist nur für 2 Monate geöffnet, Jeder Euro der drüber ist, wird direkt an das Spenden Bankkonto der Native American Bank weitergeleitet).

    BBL Muskogee Spendenkonto
    Kreissparkasse Heilbronn
    Kontonummer: 108799
    Bankleitzahl: 620 500 00

    Jeder Cent zählt!!!

    Ich richte meinen herzlichen Dank an Anna Kasprowicz für Ihre Hilfe und Unterstützung bei der Übersetzung. Auch herzlichen Dank an Udo Gramlich und William Souviney für die harte Arbeit und ihr kostbare Zeit, sowie an Alle die mir bei dieser Sache geholfen haben!

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Unterstützung!!!

    Larry D. Nichols

    The scandal that happened to the Native Americans in Mannheim and Bielefeld

    The international organiser Serena GmbH in Cologne, Germany has organized Europes biggest Pow Wow in the summer of 2007.
    The event took place at two different places, namely in Mannheim (Maimarktgelände) on the 13th – 22nd July 2007 and in Bielefeld (Radrennbahn) from the 23rd July – 5th August 2007.

    The participants were representatives of the following tribes:
    Kiowa Nation – Comanche – Wichita – Delaware – Caddo Tribe – Apache – Otoe Tribe – Lakota – Cheyenne – Arapaho – Fort Sill-Apachen – Lakota – Navaho Nation – Pawnee Nation – Northern Cheyenne – Cherokee Nation – Mt. Chippewa Nation – Sioux Nation – Kiowa-Zuni Nation – Creek – Choctow – Osage/Pawnee – Hochunk – Seminole – Blackfeet – Turtle Mtn. Chippewa – River Sioux/Lakota – Kickapoo – Zuni – San Carlos Apache

    Most of the 65 Native Americans came from the US State of Oklahoma. They brought traditional items of their people with them and presented them to the Germans.
    In the tipis there were souvenirs and craftstands, which were sold, for example pottery, silver jewelry, pictures, clothes, blankets, leatherware.

    The organization of this event can be called as exceedingly modest. It was sad to see that the Natives have been so abused according to many individuals that were there.
    In addition to that there were almost no viewers, since there was hardly any advertisments with the exception of some small placards put up on the Heeperstreet in Bielefeld.

    The whole area where this event took place was bounded by white curtains. There were a lot of people who got up to the entrence but were dissapointed and just left because of the high entrance fees (Adults 12 Euro, Children 6-12 Euro) and the lack of information.

    There was pretty much no promotion whatsoever, the place was not profitable, and half of the area was used for a small public fair with different carrousels and a few French fry stands.
    Loud music from this fair has been playing even during the dances and performances of the artists.

    This was very degrading for the Native Americans and their traditions. This event had the aim to inform the people and unite the cultures but the Serena GmbH has failed to accomplish that to the disadvantage for the Native Americans.

    The number of the viewers was very limited in Bielefeld, instead of the announced 40-60 stands and over 100 participants there were only a few.
    The treatment of the dancers and artists on the part of the Serena GmbH was beneath all dignity according to some of the people that were there.

    The Native Americans had to go back home without the promised pay that they earned and deserved. Besides the withholding of the promised pay, there was a container missing with the contents of Native American art work.

    Luckily they could be helped by the support of some people, among them Larry D.Nichols so that they were at least able to get back home safe. Mr. Nichols had informed the Comanche Nation about this situation here in Germany, so that the transport from Dallas, Texas to Oklahoma could be secured.
    The German Police in Bielefeld have already started the investigation in this case, which deals with the unpaid fees, hotel rooms and also with the loss of the handcrafted items worth a total of several thousand euros.

    Due to the tireless troubles of Mr. Nichols and his team, and the organized group with Cricket Connywerdy as spokes person for the Native Americans and members of the group consisting of several tribes could be contacted in Oklahoma, whereupon it was possible for the group to open a bank account in the United States for donations to help those in need.

    Please pay checks only to: First American Performing Artists

    Native American Bank
    Attn.: Theresa Duncan
    999 18th Street, Suite 2460
    Denver, CO. 80202

    Furthermore Mr. Nichols and Mr. Udo Grimlich were able to get the items of art out (belonging to Dana Tiger and Jennifer Wilson) on November 1st 2007 with the approval of the group’s lawyers as well as by the cooperation of Mr. Willi Beivers and Mr. Werner Müllender. The items are now stored at a safer place. The team tried to ship the boxes cost free through the US Army, unfortunately this failed through by the end of the year 2007.

    Now it is important to finance the shipment of the handcrafted items back to the USA.

    Ca. 1000 Euro are required in order to do that.

    At the time of the incident there were a lot of people who were willing to help, but with the time it seemed that the interest got smaller. That’s why we call upon the whole German public once again, and ask you to paricipate in the reduction of those items by making a donation at the following bank account of the Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees e.V. Germany:
    (The donations account will be open for 2 months only and all money that is over the cost for shipment will be sent to the Native American donation Bank account for the group)

    BBL Muskokee dontations account:
    Kreissparkasse Heilbronn
    Bank account number: 108799
    Bank identification number: 620 500 00

    We need every cent in order to help get the property back to its rightful owners!!!

    I would like to thank Anna Kasprowicz for her support and help in translating.
    I would also like to thank Udo Gramilch and William Souviney for the hard work and their precious time, as well as everybody else who has helped in this case!!!

    Thank you very much for your Interests and Support.

    Larry D. Nichols

  82. Kim

    Thank you for keeping the awareness alive. We appreciate all consideration that has been shown to our people. We continue to keep the show organizers in prayer that this type of treatment would not be duplicated and we would get what we earned and deserved. We enjoyed meeting the German people, we did not like leaving with such disregard by the organizers.


  83. Jutta

    Hello to you all!

    I was just wondering if there are any positive news yet since I’m still keeping up on the subject but did not hear or reat anything lately.

    Anybody know any news – pls let us know


  84. Kim

    Greetings! We have not heard too much on this end. Still trying to raise funds and awareness of our issues, here and there. I do not know if you heard, but the brothers that came with us are there in the schools. I believe you have my email and i sent you an email link to join our group, Native American Performing Artists a myspace page. I hope I sent it to the correct email for you to join! Please feel free to forward to others that may be interested. We have more pictures as well. When you email me, I will tell you more.

    take care in Germany!

  85. Jutta

    Hello Kim

    Thanks for the message.
    Yes I have received your invitation and I have send you a message there also.
    And I saw the pics as well.
    Will send you e-mail shortly

    My best wishes to all !


  86. Ania

    An alle, die sich „Indianerfreunde“ nennen!

    Betr.: Pow wow Mannheim-Bielefeld

    Mir wurden vor einigen Wochen all die Seiten der Konversation zu diesem Thema zugesandt, da ich selbst keinen Internentanschluss habe. Zu den meisten – bis auf 1 – 2 Kommentare – konnte ich nur verständnislos den Kopf schütteln! Sorry!

    Bevor ich mich jedoch darüber auslasse, möchte ich mich aus Respekt gegenüber allen Lesern dieser Seite erst einmal vorstellen:

    Mein Name ist Benny, ich bin 50 Jahre alt bzw. jung und wohne im Landkreis Sigmaringen.
    Es ist über 29 Jahre her, seitdem ich den ersten Kontakt mit der so genannten „ Hobby-Szene“ hatte. Wenn ich heute über das Thema „ Indianer-Natives-Indigene Völker oder Ureinwohner Nordamerikas“ nachdenke, werde ich traurig, enttäuscht und wütend darüber!
    Ich werde in diesem Bericht den Begriff „ Indianer“ verwenden, damit auch „Außenstehende“ wissen, um welches Volk es hier geht.

    Das Thema „Indianer“ begleitet mich, wie viele Andere auch, schon seit meiner Kindheit. Mit den Jahren reifte das Wissen und das Verständnis, und so blieb es nicht aus, dass ich Kontakt mit der „ Hobby-Szene“ bekam. Faszinierend von den Outfits und dem Ganzen drum herum gründete ich bald darauf eine Art „ Club“ in der Nähe von Mengen (Sigmaringen).
    Ich glaube, ich brauche keinem erklären, wie schell es geht, bis sich der Bekanntenkreis in dieser Szene erweitert.
    So kam es, dass ich meine erste Einladung zum Konzil über einen e.V. bekam.

    Hier wurde mir so langsam bewusst, wie viele Leute sich mit diesem Thema aktiv befassen, von den Passiven ganz zu schweigen. Ich war stolz, dabei zu sein, und bin es noch, wenn auch heute auf eine andere Art. Dazu später mehr.
    Bitte verzeiht mir die Ausführlichkeit meiner Erklärung, aber ich glaube, dass mein Kommentar ebenso viel Inhalt hat wie all die Anderen davor!

    Sorry, ich möchte nur, dass meine noch folgende Kritik bzw. Meinung richtig verstanden wird. Also weiter im Text:
    Es ließ nicht lange auf sich warten, bis ich einen gebürtigen Indianer kennen lernte. Er ist Kiowa und wohnt hier in Deutschland (aus Diskretion nenne ich hier keine Namen). Auf meine Frage, was er als „tatsächlicher“ Indianer von der ganzen Szene hier in Deutschland halte, erklärte er mir es mit folgenden Worten: „ Mein Freund, die ganze Hobby-Szene und die Begeisterung so vieler Deutschen für unser Volk müsste uns sehr freuen und ehren, was es auch tut, wenn da nicht ein Punkt wäre, der uns sehr ärgert!“ Er hielt einen Augenblick inne und sagte dann zu mir: „Spirituelle Zeremonien!“ Es hat mich damals sehr nachdenklich gemacht und darüber hinaus meinen zunkünftigen Weg bestimmt, zumidest was dieses Thema anbelangt.
    Wie sieht es heute aus?
    In der Esoterik-Szene tauchen irgendwelche selbst ernannten Gurus auf, die sich indianischer Zeremonien bedienen oder irgendwelcher Reden großer Häuptlinge bzw. Medizinmänner und damit die große Kohle machen. Die Nachfrage hierfür steigt. Aber damit nicht genug! In der Nähe meines Wohnortes lebt ein Typ der behauptet, von Indianern abzustammen, sein Groß- bzw. Urgroßvater war Indianer und die Geistwesen haben ihm die Fähigkeit gegeben, mit den Händen zu heilen!?!? Er kann sogar Krebs heilen. Das bedeutet: Er ist ein Großer, wenn nicht sogar „ der größte Medizinmann“ aller Zeiten!?!
    Der letzte mir bekannte „Nichtindianer’, der diese Fähigkeit besaß, ist meines Wissens gekreuzigt worden. Sein Name? „Jesus Christus“.
    Wie krank muss ein Typ sein, um sich auf dieselbe Ebene wie Gottes Sohn zu stellen, und das alles unter dem Deckmantel, zu behaupten, von Indianern abzustammen?! Diese Schande aller wahren und ehrlichen Indianerfreunde wohnt in einem Teilort von Ostrach, Landkreis Sigmaringen.
    Ich könnte noch weitere Beispiele von indianischem Kulturmissbrauch nennen. Spirituelle Schwitzhütten, abgehalten von irgendwelchen Nichtindianern, Tipi-Weihen, Visionssuche usw. usw.
    „Visionen“ – Inzwischen gibt es in Deutschland mehr Menschen, die angeblich eine Vision hatten, als bei den Indianern.
    Selbst ernannte Heiler schießen wie Pilze aus dem Boden und das Geschäft mit der indigenen Mystik blüht! Es ist eine Art „Sommerschlussverkauf“ einer Kultur!

    Kaum einer macht sich Gedanken darüber, keiner macht sich die Mühe und erkundigt sich einmal nach der Meinung der Stammesältesten in Amerika. Stattdessen hängen sich die Leute (Nichtindianer) wie Kletten and die meist selbst ernannten Spirit-Führer, um ihren Worten zu lauschen, fast wie in einer Sekte! Geblendet von den schönen Worten und der Vorstellung: Er ist ein echter „Native“, folgen sie ihm wie Schafe!!!
    Verdammt noch mal! Habt Ihr eigentlich eine Vorstellung davon, welche Folgen das für die wahren Indianer hat?
    Hier findet inzwischen ein „Kulturausverkauf“ statt!!!
    Die Krönung ist der Sonnentanz. Die sicherlich höchste und heiligste religiöse Handlung der Lakotas. Inzwischen sehr gefragt in Deutschland. Bad Bebra bei Kassel macht’s möglich.
    Bitte glaubt mir, liebe Leser, es liegt mir fern, die ganze Szene aufzumischen, und ich kann die Faszination, die von diesem Volk ausgeht, verstehen. Ich selbst bin sehr angetan von den alten Werten dieses Volkes. Durch den Respekt und der Liebe zu diesen Menschen und ihrer Kultur habe ich wieder den Weg zu Gott gefunden! Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass ich jedem „Guru“ den Speichel ablecke, nur weil er wie ein Indianer aussieht oder sich als solcher ausgibt. Auch dann nicht, wenn er tatsächlich ein „ Native“ ist, denn das heißt noch lange nicht, dass er befugt ist, irgendwelche Zeremonien für „Weiße“ abzuhalten. Vor allem nicht gegen Bezahlung!!!

    Wenn Ihr dieses Volk wirklich so liebt, dann unterstützt es dort, wo es nötig ist!
    So – was hat das alles mit „Mannheim und Bielefeld“ zu tun? Ganz einfach – Kulturmissbrauch!
    Auf dieser Seite wurde so viel diskutiert, aber nicht ein einziger brauchbarer Vorschlag war dabei! Es wurden Larry Nichols und Udo Gramlich erwähnt. Über diese Leute hättet ihr erfahren können, wie man helfen kann, aber nichts kam.
    Was habe ich nun damit zu tun? – Nun, ich habe über den Verein Larry Nichols („Blackwater Band of Lower Muskogees Germany e.V.“) veranlasst, ein Spendenkonto einzurichten. In Zusammenarbeit mit einer Zeitung aus meiner Region wurde ein Spendenaufruf gestartet mit dem Erfolg, dass die ganzen Gegenstände bis auf ein paar Kleinigkeiten bereits in den Staaten angekommen sind. Darüber hinaus ist noch Geld übrig, welches am 14. September – Pow Wow Heilbronn – von Larry Nichols an eine Sprecherin der damals betrogenen Natives übergeben wird. Hier werden auch die ganzen Einzahlungen der Aktion von den Medien offen dargelegt, damit das lose Mundwerk all derer verstummt, die Larry Nichols und auch mich als Betrüger beschimpfen.
    Auf Grund dieser Aktion kamen bisher mehrere tausend Euro zusammen. Spenden von irgendwelchen Leuten, jedoch kaum eine aus der „Hobby-Szene“.
    Wo sind nun Euer Interesse und die Liebe für dieses Volk? Alles nur leere Sprüche?
    Wir haben Spaß durch dieses Volk, wir haben gelacht durch dieses Volk, wir haben schöne Träume und manchmal auch Tränen in den Augen durch dieses Volk!
    Wäre es nicht langsam an der Zeit, etwas an diese Menschen zurück zu geben, anstatt immer nur kluge Sprüche zu klopfen?
    Denkt einmal darüber nach!

    Es grüßt Euch,

    Benny und Marianne

    BBL Muskogee Spendenkonto
    KSK Heilbronn
    Kto.Nr.: 108 799
    BLZ: 620 500 00

    P.S. Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um mich bei meiner Frau Marianne, die mich in allem sehr unterstützt, zu bedanken!!!

    To all those who call themselves Indian friends!

    In reference to: Pow wow Mannheim-Bielefeld

    A couple weeks ago I have been sent all those sites with the conversations regarding this topic, since I don’t have an internet access, regarding most of those comments – except of 1 or 2 – I could only shake my head! Sorry!

    Before I run my mouth about it, I would like to introduce myself with all due respect to the readers of this site:

    My name is Benny; I am 50 years old or rather young and live in the area of Sigmaringen.
    It was over 20 years ago, since I’ve had the first contact with the so called ‘Hobby-Scene’ here in Germany.

    When I think today about the topic ‘Indians-Natives-Indigenous people or the Natives of North America’ I get sad, dissapointed and angry about it.

    In this report I will be using the term ‘Indians’, so that the outsiders also know, what Nations of people I am talking about.

    The topic ‘Indians’ has accompanied me, just as many others as well, since my childhood. With the years the wisdom and understanding matured, and so it happened that I got into contact with the ‘Hobby-Scene’. Being fascinated by the outfits and the things all around it, I’ve founded a kind of ‘Club’ near to Mengen (Sigmaringen) shortly afterwards.
    I think, I don’t have to tell anybody how fast it goes until the circle of acquanitances expands.
    That’s how it happened that I got my first invitation to a council from a registered association.

    There I slowly realized how many people are actively involved with this topic, let alone the passive ones. I was proud, to be a part of it, and still am, even though in a different way today than I was before. I’ll have more on this topic later.

    I’m apologizing for the elaborateness of my explanation, but I think, that my comment has just as much content as the comments of the others before!

    Sorry, I just want that my following critics and views will be understood correctly. So there we go:

    It didn’t take long, until I’ve met a native-born Indian. He is Kiowa and lives here in Germany (because of discretion I’m not going to name any names). In reply to my question what he as a ‘real’ Indian thinks of this whole Hobby-Scene here in Germany, he told me the following words: ‘My friend, the whole ‘Hobby-Scene’ and the enthusiasm of many of the germans for our people should make us very happy and honor us, which it does, if there wouldn’t be one point, which aggrevates us!”

    For a moment he looked inward and said to me:” Spiritual Ceremonies!” Back then, this made me very contemplative and has furthermore defined my path, at least in the terms of this topic.

    How does it look like today?
    In the esoterism scene there appear some self appointed Gurus, who use the Indian ceremonies or some speeches of the great chiefs or rather medicinemen und make big money with it.

    The demand for that rises. But that’s not enough! Close to my place of residence there lives a guy, who alleges of himself, that he descends from the indians, his grand- or rather great-grandfather was an indian and the spirit-beings have given him the ability to heal with his hands!?!?!? According to him, he can even heal cancer. That means: He is a Great, if not even the ‘greatest medicineman’ of all times!?!

    The last non-Indian known to me, who had such ability, was crucified to my knowledge. His name? ‘Jesus Christ’.

    How sick must a guy be, in order to put himself on the same level with God’s son, and this all under the pretence to claim that he descends from Indians?! This disgraceful and dishonorable person who believes he is a true and honest friend of Indians lives in a part of Ostrach, in the county of Sigmaringen.

    I could name more examples of the misuse of the Indian culture. Spiritual sweatlodges held by some non-Indians, tipi-blessings, search of visions etc. etc. etc….

    “Visions” – meanwhile there are more people in Germany who supposedly have had a vision, than between the real Indians.

    Self appointed healers spring up like mushrooms and the business with the indigenous mysticism goes very well! It’s a kind of ‘summer sale’ of a culture that does not belong to us!!!

    Barely one worries about that, no one gives trouble and inquires about the opinion of the tribal elders in the United States of America. Instead those people (non-Indians) stick to the self appointed spiritual leaders like a bur, listen to their words, almost like in a sect! Blinded by the beautiful words and the idea: He is a true ‘Native’, let’s follow him like sheep!!!

    Damn it! Do you have an idea what kind of consequences that has for the real Indians?
    Meanwhile there is a ‘Culture sale out’ taking place here!!!!

    The real kicker is the sundance. And this is surely the highest and holy religious action of the Lakota people. Meanwhile this is in a very big business demand here in Germany.

    By Bad Barsa, which is close to Kassel makes it possible. – This is madness –

    Please believe me, dear Readers, far be it from me, to stir up this whole scene, and I can understand this fascination which proceeds from this Nation of people. I myself am very keen on the old values of this Nation. I have found my way to God thru the respect and the love towards other people and their culture! This doesn’t mean though, that I believe every ‘Guru’, only because he looks like an Indian, can play a flute, beat on a drum or pretends to be an Indian.

    Not even then, when he truley is a ‘Native’, because that doesn’t mean that he is authorized to do any ceremonies for ‘whites’. Especially not for money!!!


    If you really love Native Americans so much, then support them where it’s needed!
    So, what does that all have to do with ‘Mannheim and Bielefeld’?

    Very simple – Misuse of Culture!

    There was so much disscussion on this web site, but there was not one useful suggestion! Larry Nichols and Udo Gramlich have been mentioned. Thru these people you could have found out how you can help, but there was nothing, no support from the Hobby-Scene.

    What do I have to do with that? – Well, I have arranged to open up a bank account for donations thru the associaton of Larry Nichols (“Blackwater Band of Lower Muskogees Germany e.V.).

    In collaboration with a local newspaper from my region we appealled for funds, with the success, that the whole items (except for some details) have arrived in the United States of America. Beyond that there is still money left over, which will be handed over to the spokesperson of the Natives that were here in Mannheim and Bielefeld, by Larry Nichols at his Pow wow in Heilbronn-Horkheim on September 14th.

    All the donations of this action will be revealed by the media, so that all those who have had fun with their mouths and called Larry Nichols and me defrauders can be silent then.

    Based on this action we’ve collected several thousand Euros. Donations from all kinds of people but hardly any donation from someone form the ‘Hobby-Scene’.

    Where is your Interest and Love for Native Americans now??? All empty words???

    We have fun thru Native Americans, we have laughes thru Native Americans, we have had beautiful dreams and sometimes we even had tears in our eyes thru Native Americans!

    Isn’t it about time to give something back to those people, instead of those meaningless words that have been spoken? Think about that!


    Benny and Marianne

    BBL Muskogee donations account
    KSK Heilbronn
    Bank account no: 108 799
    Bank code: 620 500 00

    P.S. I would like to take the opportunity to thank my wife Marianne, who is supporting me in any way!!!

  87. Kim

    Benny, I was very interested to read your post. It has been one year that we were in fact told we would be paid and have not. We were given small amounts of money that was considered an advance. How is money owed to me an advance? We were told our lodging and food was paid for. How do we know that, as one of our Hotels in Bielefed was left unpaid with exception of a deposit. Where is Willy Bievers and Vernor Mullendur? Where is their conscious? We do not blame the German people as a whole, the whole hobby-ist scene there was intriguing to us as natives. We dont go around acting specifically European, but most of us live in the mainstream. I do not see how we can consider the hobbyists as stealing our ceremonies unless they know our language. Do they? Willy and Vernor, come out and respond!
    Benny, thank you for your attention in this matter. We tried to make the best out of our trip, paid for or NOT?


  88. Kim

    How are you promoting awareness of his cause? I’m curious, as this I would think you would want to involved the people that were directly affected?

    thanks again!
    f.y.i. Indian Country today may be doing an anniversary story on the subject of our trip. Will keep you posted as much as possible.

  89. Kim

    Dear Friends,
    It has come to my attention that the annual powwow sponsored by the Blackwater Band is honoring the people that sang and dance for the Germans in Summer 2007. We are very warmed by the enlightenment being presented. . There are people out there that have no idea what happend to us there. We were invited and some of us are willing and able to return under more positive conditions. I am thankful to have been presented the information and also would like to share with you our myspace, where you can see some of our performances, or memories that we share with you! and please add friends so that others will know our story.
    Thank you for consideration on behalf of our group.

  90. Ania

    Hallo Kim

    Sorry, dass ich Dir jetzt erst antworte, aber das liegt daran, dass ich
    keinen Internetanschluss habe und außerdem kein Englisch spreche. Ich
    musste also Deine Antwort auf meinen Brief erst einmal übersetzen
    lassen. Larry Nichols (Muskogee/Creek) war mir dabei behilflich.

    Ok, wenn ich alles richtig verstanden habe, dann willst Du wissen, warum
    ich mich für die ganze Sache einsetze und wie ich das mache. Richtig?

    Zur ersten Frage, warum?

    Es geht mir auf keinen Fall darum, Publicity zu machen. Das habe ich
    nicht nötig, was hätte ich davon? Ganz im Gegenteil, ich bezahle bereits
    einen Preis dafür in der Form, dass die Menge meiner Freunde immer
    weniger wird.
    Auf der einen Seite verliere ich so genannte Freunde, dafür gewinne ich
    auf der anderen Seite neue Freunde! Du hast in meinem Bericht ein
    bisschen aus meiner Vergangenheit erfahren können. Glaube mir, Kim,
    alles, was ich dort geschrieben habe, meine ich auch genau so, denn es
    kommt aus meinem Herzen.

    Das ist noch keine Antwort auf Deine Frage: Warum? Ich kann es mit
    Worten kaum erklären, aber ich werde es versuchen.

    Nun, ich habe mir in all den Jahren, die vergangen sind, seit mich das
    Thema „Natives of America“ berührt hat, viele Gedanken gemacht. Gedanken
    über mich, Gedanken über mein Volk und auch über Dein bzw. Euer Volk.
    Jedes Mal macht es mich traurig, wenn ich daran denke, was meine
    Vorfahren Euch damals angetan haben. Ich weiß, das ist Vergangenheit und
    Geschichte, aber es ist die „Unendliche Geschichte“, wie man am Beispiel
    „Mannheim-Bielefeld“ sehen kann!
    Wenn niemand versucht, solche Dinge zu stoppen, wird es nie aufhören!!!
    Wenn ich die Wahl hätte, meine Nationalität zu ändern, dann würde ich
    mich vom deutschen Volk abwenden, um mich zu Eurem Volk zu bekennen. Nun
    kannst Du wieder fragen: Warum? Es ist einfach mein Gefühl. Wie soll ich
    Dir mein Gefühl erklären?
    Wie gerne wäre ich einmal bei Euch, nur um einfach einmal zu reden, um
    gemeinsam eine Lösung für all diese negativen Probleme zu finden!!!
    Eine andere Antwort habe ich leider nicht auf Deine Frage.

    Du willst auch wissen, wie ich die Geldspenden organisiere? Das ist
    eigentlich ganz einfach. Hier in Deutschland finden überall irgendwo
    irgendwelche Country feste statt. Auf diesen Festen sind ebenso viele
    Hobbyisten wie auch „normale“ Leute. Meine Frau Marianne und ich gehen
    dann dort hin, reden mit dem Organisator, erzählen ihm von
    „Mannheim-Bielefeld“ und erklären ihm, dass wir den betrogenen Indianern
    helfen wollen, damit sie zu ihrem Recht kommen.
    Ich nehme mir dann das Mikrofon und spreche dann zu all den Gästen auf
    dem Fest. Ich versuche, den Leuten dann zu erklären, dass es ohne das
    indianische Volk solche Feste gar nicht geben würde. Das heißt, dass wir
    die indianische Kultur dazu benutzen, um unseren Spaß und unsere Freude
    damit zu haben. Abordnungen dieses Volkes kommen sogar nach Deutschland,
    um uns ihre Tänze und ihre Kultur zu zeigen! Uns als Dank dafür werden
    sie betrogen, siehe Mannheim-Bielefeld. Auf diese Art und Weise kamen
    die Spendengelder zusammen.
    Die Menschen in meiner Umgebung wissen über die Aktion meiner Frau und
    mir Bescheid. Wir werden oft angesprochen, so dass auch hier die eine
    oder andere Spende zustande kommt. Nun weißt Du ungefähr, wie ich an die
    Spendengelder kommen.
    Jeder Cent der Spenden geht auf ein extra dafür eingerichtetes
    Spendenkonto des „Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees Germany e.V.“. Mit
    diesem Geld wird die Rückführung der ganzen Gegenstände, die Eurem Volk
    gehören, finanziert. Wenn Du diesbezüglich mehr wissen möchtest, dann
    kannst Du Dich mit Larry in Verbindung setzen. Er ist sicher gerne
    bereit, Dir ausführlich darüber zu berichten.

    Du hast erwähnt, dass Dein Volk nicht unbedingt erfreut ist über die
    Hobby-Szene. Das kann ich inzwischen sehr gut verstehen, aber ich weiß
    auch, dass nicht alle aus dieser Szene „schlecht“ sind.
    Kim, überall, wo sich mehrere Menschen versammeln, findest Du
    verschiedene Charakter-Typen. Das Problem liegt darin, dass die meisten
    nicht richtig informiert sind. Andere glauben sogar, dass sie mehr
    wissen als ein wirklicher Indianer.

    Ist Dir und Deinem Volk eigentlich bewusst, welchen Einfluss, welche
    Macht Ihr habt?

    Es gibt in Deutschland Tausende von aktiven Hobbyisten, und noch dazu
    mal tausende Menschen, die ihr Bücherregal mit indianischer Literatur
    füllen. Kein Volk hat so viel Einfluss auf die Deutschen wie das Volk der
    Lass diesen Gedanken auf Dich wirken.

    Du hast jetzt mehrere Möglichkeiten:

    Du sagst, das ist Dir und Deinem Volk egal, denn Ihr wollt nur Eure
    Ruhe. Ok, aber dann wird sich nie etwas ändern.


    Ihr macht Euch Gedanken, wie Ihr diesen Einfluss positiv nützen könnt.
    Ich hätte da eine ganz simple Idee.

    Dazu nachher mehr, zunächst möchte ich Die erklären, wie es überhaupt
    zur Hobby-Szene kam.

    In Deutschland begann alles mit den Geschichten von Karl May. Er war ein
    Mann, der die meisten seiner Bücher im Gefängnis schrieb. Ein Freund,
    der in Amerika war, erzählte ihm von Eurem Land und Eurem Volk. Karl May
    war so begeistert, dass er damit begann, Romane zu schreiben. Diese frei
    erfundene Geschichten waren jedes Mal Bestseller. Jedes Kind in
    Deutschland kannte die Geschichten, Geschichten vom großen und edlen
    Häuptling der Apachen, Winnetou, usw.
    Kurz darauf geschah etwas Ähnliches in Deinem Land. Auch hier wurde ein
    weißer Mann durch Euer Volk berühmt – William Frederick Cody „Buffalo
    Er stellte 1883 seine erste „Wild West Show“ auf die Beine. Seine Shows
    wurden weltberühmt mit dem Ergebnis, dass Hunderte von Nachahmern
    versuchten, an diesem Erfolg teilzuhaben. Hier, Kim, begann es langsam,
    wo Eure Kultur auf „friedliche Art“ ausgenutzt wurde.
    Buffalo Bill kam 1890 mit seiner Show nach Hamburg, Germany. Die
    Deutschen konnte es kaum erwarten, die Show zu sehen, vor allem aber
    die „echten Indianer“. Euer Volk war schon davor berühmt in Deutschland
    durch Karl Mays Fantasiegeschichten.
    Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show war so erfolgreich, dass kurz danach die
    ersten Hobbyisten-Verein entstanden. Mit Unterbrechung durch zwei Kriege
    wuchs die Anhängerschaft immer weiter bis heute, und die Zahl steigt noch
    weiter. Zwei Männer trugen einen großen Teil zur Glorifizierung des
    „Wilden Westens“ bei, Karl May und Buffalo Bill!
    Dies alles liegt nun über 100 Jahre zurück, und die Zahl der
    „Indianerfreunde“ steigt.

    Leider hat dieses Kapitel auch noch eine dunkle Seite, die kaum einer
    hier in Deutschland kennt.
    In der Zeit, als die „Wild West Show“ durch Deutschland reiste, brach
    der 1. Weltkrieg aus. Alle Amerikaner, die sich hier aufhielten, wurden
    gefangen genommen. Selbst die Indianer, die kurz zuvor noch bejubelt
    wurden, hat man misshandelt und in ein Lager gesteckt, obwohl sie zu
    diesem Zeitpunkt noch keine amerikanischen Staatsbürger waren. Die hat
    Dr. Hermann Viola vom Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., in
    einem Buch veröffentlicht. Der Name des Buches: „Warrior in Uniforms“.

    Vielleicht verstehst Du jetzt, was ich damit meine, wenn ich sage, dass
    Du und Dein Volk großen Einfluss auf die Menschen hier habt!? Wenn die
    Mehrheit Deines Volkes der Meinung ist, dass z.B. die Hobby-Szene oder
    die Euphorie all der anderen Menschen hier Deinem Volk und Eurer Kultur
    mehr schadet als hilft, dann müsst Ihr diesen Einfluss zum Positiven
    nutzen. Natürlich nur, wenn Ihr das wirklich wollt.

    Es ist nicht möglich zu hoffen, dass sich all die so genannten
    Indianerfreunde, egal ob Hobbyist oder Esoteriker, ändern. Es sind zu
    viele. Zu Viele, die entweder falsch informiert sind oder so gut wie
    Nichts über Eure Kultur wissen.

    Hier sei ausdrücklich gesagt, dass nicht alle so sind. Aber leider sind
    es zu wenige, die sich ehrlich und respektvoll mit der indianischen
    Kultur befassen, bewusst oder unbewusst.

    Es ist fast wie damals, als die Weißen Euer Land erobert haben.

    Heute erobern sie Eure Kultur. Doch heute habt Ihr die Möglichkeit, den
    Sieg davon zu tragen. Wenn Ihrer endlich Klarheit in dieser Angelegenheit
    schaffen wollt, dann rede mit Deinem Volk darüber.
    Es gibt Möglichkeiten, glaube mir, auch wenn ich kein Indianer bin. Es
    wäre sicher viel Arbeit, aber es wäre möglich, davon bin ich überzeugt.
    Wir können uns ja später einmal darüber unterhalten.

    Ich möchte nun Deine Aufmerksamkeit nicht noch mehr strapazieren und
    hoffe, meine Worte haben Dich nicht gelangweilt oder verletzt.

    Liebe Grüße, auch wenn wir uns nicht kennen

    Benny und Marianne

    Hello Kim,
    I’m sorry for answering so late but I don’t have an internet access and I don’t speak any English. So I had to translate your letter first. Larry Nichols (Muskogee/creek) helped me to do that.
    So, if I understood everything correctly, then you would like to know why I’m so engaged in this whole scene and how I do that. Right?
    Referring to your first question, why?
    It’s not my intention to get publicity. This is not something that I need, and what would it bring me? It’s rather the opposite; I’m paying the price for that already, by slowly losing more and more friends. On one hand I’m losing so called friends, but on the other hand again I’m gaining new friends. By reading my last letter to you, you could get to know my past a little bit. Believe me Kim, I meant everything that I wrote because it comes straight from my heart.
    That is still no answer to your question: Why? It’s hard for me to explain it in words but I will try to do just that.
    Well, in all those years that passed, I have been thinking about the topic ‘Natives of America’. Thoughts about me, thoughts about my own nation but also about your nation. Every time when I think about what my ancestors have done to your ancestors, it makes me sad. I know, this is the past and history but it is a kind of a never-ending story, as you can see from the happenings in Mannheim and Bielefeld. Such things will never stop as long as there will be no one to stop it! If I had the possibility to change my citizenship then I would turn away from the German people and become one of you. Now you might wonder why? It’s basically because of my feelings. How can I describe to you my feelings? How much would I like to visit you guys, simply to talk and to try to find a solution to all those problems!!! I don’t have another answer to your questions.
    You also wanted to know how I organize those donations. That’s really simple. Here in Germany there are fests taking place, which are so called country festivals. You can find there different kinds of people, normal visitors and those hobbyists. My wife and I, we go to those places, talk to the promoters, and tell them about the happenings in Mannheim and Bielefeld and that we want to help those betrayed Native Americans to get justice. I usually get up on the stage, take the microphone and talk to all the guests and visitors, trying to explain that without the Native Americans those festivals wouldn’t exist at all. That means, we use the Indian culture to have fun. Delegations of your people come over here to Germany in order to show and teach us their dances and culture. And as a thank you they are being betrayed, just like in Mannheim and Bielefeld. That’s the way how we got those donations. The people in my surroundings know about the donation action. People talk to us about it and that’s how we gather the one or other donation as well. So now you have an idea how I collect those donations. Every cent of those donations goes right to a bank donation account which was established especially for this case by the ‘Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokee Germany e.V.’ With this money we financed the shipment of all the goods that belong to two Native vendors back in the states. If you have further questions regarding this topic, then you can contact Larry. He is surely willing to give you detailed information.
    You’ve said that your people aren’t too happy about the Hobby scene. In the meantime I can understand that completely but I also know that not everybody from this scene is just bad. Kim, no matter where there are people gathering, you will always find different characters coming together. The problem is that most of them are not well informed. Others again, think they know more than the real Native Americans themselves.
    Are you fully aware what influence and power you have as a Native American Nation?
    In Germany there is thousands of active Hobbyists plus other thousands of people who have full bookshelves with Indian literature at home. No other Nation has so much influence upon the Germans as the Native Americans. Just think about those ideas.
    Now you have more options:
    You can say, this doesn’t matter to you or to your people because you only want to be left alone. Ok, but then nothing is going to change.
    You think about a way how you could use this influence you got in a positive way. I’d have a simple idea here.
    I’ll tell you more about that later. Let me first explain to you, how the Hobby scene has developed.
    In Germany everything began with the stories written by Karl May. He was a German man who wrote most of these books while being in jail. One of his friends who was in America told him about your country and your people. Karl May was so excited that he started to write books about that. Those completely fictional stories were a bestseller every time. Every child in Germany knew those stories; Stories of the great and honorable chief of the Apache Nation, called Winnetou. Shortly after that, something similar happened in your country. A white man became famous by the help of your nations. This was ‘William Frederick Cody’, called Buffalo Bill. In 1883 he got his first Wild West Show going. His shows became famous in the whole world, with the result that there were hundreds of copiers who tried to take part in the success. That’s where it slowly began Kim, where your culture started to be misused in a ‘friendly kind of way’. In 1890 Buffalo Bill came with his show to Hamburg, Germany. The Germans couldn’t wait to see the show, especially the ‘real Native Americans’. Your people have been famous long before that, because of the books of Karl May. The Buffalo Bill Wild West Show was so successful, so that the first Hobbyist-clubs arose shortly after that. The number of supporters was rising with some interruption thru the 2 World Wars more and more until today, and it’s still rising. There were two men who have lead to this glorification of the Wild West, namely Karl May and Buffalo Bill. This lies over 100 years back now and the number of the ‘Indian friends’ is rising.
    Unfortunately there is also a dark side of the story, which is known to hardly anyone here in Germany. During the time when the Wild West Show was touring thru Germany, the 1st World War broke out. All Americans who were here have been more or less captured during that time. Even the Native Americans that were here then, who had been cheered at before, have been misused and put under arrest, although they were not American citizens at that time. That has been published in a book called ‘Warrior in Uniforms’ published by Dr. Hermann Viola from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.
    Maybe now you understand when I say that you and your people have a big influence over here. When you or the majority of your people is of the opinion that the hobby scene or the euphoria is causing your nation and culture more harm than it would help, then you must use the influence and turn it to something positive. Of course, only if you really want to.
    There is no sense in hoping that the so called Indian friends, no matter if hobbyists or esoteric will ever change. There are too many of them. Too many, who are either misinformed or who don’t know anything about your culture.
    I want to emphasize here though, that not all are like that! But unfortunately there is too less of those who are honest and those who deal with the Indian culture in a respectful way, no matter if intentionally or negligently.
    It’s almost like in those days back then, when the white people had conquered your land.
    Today they conquer your culture. But today you have the chance to be victorious. When you want to clarify those things, then please talk to your people about it. There are possibilities to make things happen, believe me, even though I’m not an Indian. I’m sure it would be a lot of hard work but it would be possible. Maybe we could talk about that sometime later.
    I don’t want to take up more of your time and I hope that my words didn’t bore nor hurt you.
    All the best, even though we don’t know each other.

    Benny and Marianne

  91. Jutta

    Liebe Ania

    Ich bin hier auch Mitglied von diesem Forum und habe diesen Fall von Anfang an mitverfolgt und auch schon einige Beiträge hier gemacht.
    Leider klappt mein Einlogen nicht – warum? – keine Ahnung…..
    Ich war auch Besucher des Powwows in Mannheim und habe sehr nette Menschen kennengelernt.
    Ich bin keine Hobbyistin, sondern eine tiefe Verehrerin der Natives und auch ich würde meine Nationalität sofort ändern, wenn ich das könnte, weil ich mich manchmal auch wirklich schäme, Deutsche zu sein – wobei ich nur halbe Deutsche bin.

    Ich möchte meinen höchsten Respekt zu dem Brief
    „An Alle die sich Indianerfreunde nennen“ ausdrücken und auch zu dem danach folgenden, welche ich hier schon vor einigen Tagen gelesen hatte.

    Die Worte des ersten Briefes haben mich sehr berührt und auch zu gleich sehr beeindruckt. Die Begründung danach auch – Hut ab!
    Ich möchte hier informieren, dass dieser erste Brief auch im steht und gewisse Leute sich dort mal wieder richtig die Mäuler darüber zerrissen haben.
    Ich weiß nicht, ob du ihn selbst da hinein kopiert hast, oder jemand anders.
    Auf jedenfall wird dort mal wieder alles schlecht geredet.
    Ich bin nicht Mitglied von diesem Verein, ich habe es per e-mail mitgeteilt bekommen, dass der Brief dort so negativ runtergemacht wird, und darauf hin nachgesehen.

    Von mir, und mit Sicherheit auch von einigen anderen, meinen höchsten Respekt!vor Benny.

    Liebe Grüße Jutta

  92. Kim

    thank you for your continued interest. I am going to put up a url regarding a story about our trip in Indian Country Today.

    Thank you for sharing this with anyone you feel may be interested. According to the story, Bievers was waiting for transportation from the hospital. Perhaps he was waiting for Wernor in the new Mercedes.

  93. Kim

    Sorry to be so caddy people. The story somehow rubbed salt into my wound. I know that the fellas have been sporting around in a new BMW, not just a Benz.

    Some of us here struggled for six months to get some momentum back from our financial setback. And to think others benefitted from our performances, having our children in the heat and long hours. Laboring for nothing, not very easy to forget. The forgiving is easy, we are all good hearted people. Forgetting may take awhile.

    We continue to pray for the gentlemen that misled us. We pray that this experience will not haunt others as it haunts us. We pray that this type of behavior will not be condoned by any nationality, creed or color.

    blessings to you all,

  94. Jutta

    Hello to ALL !

    I want to share a letter with you that I’ve received to my new blog in myspace yesterday.
    I keep my friends in the USA up to date about the Powwow case every since…

    My myspace-blog the other day:

    Thanks to alot of donations and funds the containers with the personal idems of these people could finally be sent back to the USA.
    And since there is still money left over, it will be handed over by Larry D. Nichols at his Pow wow in Heilbronn-Horkheim Germany on September 14th. 2008, to the spokesperson of the Natives that were here in Mannheim and Bielefeld.

    This 7th Pow-wow from Larry D. Nichols
    is dedicated to
    all the Native Americans that were abused
    and misused
    in Mannheim and Bielefeld Germany in 2007

    The answer from Tony a member of the group:

    Thank you very much for all you’ve done for all of us here at a time when friendship is more valuable than gold. When I first went to Germany, I was just like anyone else was; a little scared, curious, and the feeling of how our culture would be accepted so far from home. After meeting the german people and getting to know them… my heart was there. In Mannhiem… In Beilefeld. I put my heart into making sure everyone had a good time. There were others with us in our group that life hell too… as well as the fact that no one was receiving any money. We had what we brought. There will always be people I will remember and have many A-HOs to give them. First off, the people of Germany. What you did for us and the experience of that trip, to me, has paid itself over tenfold. The people who came and danced with us, some of you were actually dancing better than some of us! That means you were having fun, and I was having fun too, and I danced harder. Thanks to Jackie and her sons, who let let 7 indians tear it in her house for 5 days. As well as Jackie’s friends too. Clemmons and his boys, and as well as Robbie… and espiecially BULLVIE! To Harold and Inga, whose camera talent and hospitality are dearly missed from myself, as well as my mother and my little sister. Thank for caring so deep for us. You really felt connected to us and it made our trip better for all of us. A-HO! To my myspace buddy Jutta, thanks for all the pics you took, the one you sent to me really made me feel good, just by looking at it. Thanks for keeping us updated on whats going on. To Michael and Angelika, who presented our group with picture books of our time in Mannhiem and maps of Germany. People like you made our time there the experience we could never imagine. To our hosts and hostesses at the hotels in Mannheim and Beilefeld. Thank you for putting up with us and our laundry. To Ingo… who showed the Boys of Ausbach around Cologne, and was our interpreter even when he didn’t have to. And to Udo and his wife. She sang happy birthday to me in German and I thank her for that. And last to the Grassroot People, what kind of stupid name was that (that was something that was not agreed upon by all of us). Just to the idea that different tribes can come together and perform with a group that has never tried to do what we did is nothing short of a miracle. Speaking for myself, I had a great time. But there were some who had a more difficult time than others. People who had to watch out for their little ones… and their families. The people who came along with us to help start their lives, and some, their new families. Taking time off from their jobs, and leaving family and friends behind. People who were trying to make their lives better. This powwow should be for them. Thank you to all of you. My experience with all of you, will never be forgotten. To all my new friends… A-HO!

    Posted by Tony Stewart on Thursday, September 04, 2008 at 1:26 PM

  95. kricket

    There was no Tony Stewart on the trip

  96. tony

    There was no Tony Stewart in the group on the trip.

  97. kricketandkevin

    Hello all,

    Hope everyone who reads this is doing well. We have a list of everyone that went on the trip and we do not have a Tony Stewart. There were people from Germany that came and danced with the group and we do not know all their names but as far as people from the states there was not a Tony on our list. As far as the comment about why the name was Grassroots it was the name that the MC called the group while we were there. So if this Tony guy was even around and coherent then he would recall this. As for our official name it is something else. And we have an escrow account set up for Larry to deposit funds. He has the information. We need to be careful not to believe everything we hear or read. That is a lesson I hope we have learned by this experience and I hope we all remember it. Thank you to all who continue to support our group to right this injustice. –Kricket

  98. fred

    Who is Tony? He was not on trip.

  99. kricketandkevin

    Hello all,

    Hope all is well for everyone who is reading this. There was no Tony Stewart in our group. Be careful about what you believe.

  100. Kim

    Since our return from Germany, I have continued to work on our case, along with a small group of dedicated people. Not because I am mad at anyone in the group, that is ludicrious! Noone can make a situation unbearable, we do that to ourselves. I was proud to sing and dance with some very good dancers and singers who had the burden of teaching some not so accomplished performers, „the ropes“. The reason I continue to work and pray on this matter is my children were involved. I am a mother first and foremost. At times, I felt like my children were on the verge of danger. My children were not roaming the streets or on their own. I continue to look out for them. I could and would not turn my back on anyone in the group. People have mistreated our people many times, look at our land and our sacred sites. Myself, I cherish my people, my children and what we have left to call „OURS“. If we continue to let people get away with taking/abusing/or trashing what is our traditions, our beliefs, our ways, then we have nothing. The way I carry myself as a Native woman is the same whether I am in Oklahoma, Germany, Montana, wherever i go, I am a Native woman. I do not judge others on what they do, all i can do is be myself and try to encourage others to seek out justice in this case, not revenge. not belittling others. not namecalling, not troublemaking. I try to support the efforts of those in our group. Over Labor day, I went to a gathering where there were several of our group there participating. Those persons participate in gatherings effortlessly and tirelessly in principal capacities. Why? because we want our ways to continue. We want to be able to be blessed in a good way, if you misuse or abuse your ways, how can you find a blessing? We went to Germany on the basis of a contract. We didnt go there for a vacation we were there to fullfill our contract and many did without missing a day! We had the wisdom of our elders to encourage us to finish our obligation with dignity although our performances were tarnished with stories of drunkeness and drug use. Noone is perfect, but why should my conduct be compromised by ignorant selfishness on someone elses part? This type of behavior is likened to the behavior of Willy and Wernor. Not very clean and selfish! Exactly how i was NOT raised to be by traditional people.
    I continue and will continue to work on our case for all of us. Not just for my kids, but also for the people on down the road, who may also be considering contractural work with Willy Bievers and Wernor Mullendor. Willy did not like it when two mothers stood up to him, why? because what we said was the truth.
    We are thankful to those that support us in our efforts to raise awareness and money for legal fees. We are thankful for those that give a place to meet and discuss new business. I am thankful for those that give us an encouraging word. I am happy to see those that made the trip on the powwow trail or at tribal ceremonies taking up where they left off not just once a year, but as much as they can!
    I remain thankful and prayerful about the positive results that the group has already helped to accomplish! Thank you to this blog, for letting us inform you our perspective and helping us to understand yours. I rejoice in the friendship and fellowship we shared and may continue to share! Lets continue to be positive in the efforts of all the Grassroots, First American Performing Artists 2007, or whatever name we want to use. We are Creator’s people and names are not the important issue, people and life ARE!

    I humbly sign my name to this blog, as I always have;
    Kim Tiger

  101. Jutta


    When you read again you will see that this comes frome myspace.
    In myspace people use art names 😉
    The real name of this person who wrote the letter is a fan of Tony Stewart, and his real name is Joel


  102. Jutta

    @Kricket and Kevin

    —————– Original Message —————–
    From: First American Performing Artists
    Date: Sep 10, 2008 12:48 AM from myspace

    Grassroots was what Tom Morgan was calling us when we were dancing. If you had been listening you would have remembered that. Go to a meeting and then you would be able to say you voted and be up to date and know the name is officially something else. Before a comment is sent be wary of what you may do to our case that is still pending. It could hurt those of us that have to make a living and could still use the money. Otherwise hope all is well for you and yours.

    Answer from Joel (alias Tony Stewart)

    The comment is a letter of thanks, not a letter of complaints. Narrow minded as it sounds, I HAVE the right to post what I want and I believe it was received in the right way by Jutta, the woman who has kept me up on what’s going on better than R.D. does. I’m not stupid, I remember Tom calling us the grassroot people. I also remember him blowing up in an innappropriate way in front of our guests. AND his unwillingness to learn about our guests and understand its not their fault. Some of them know as much about our culture as the kids I perform for at Kennedy Elementary. They are not accustomed to the circle, but they were eager to learn, as I was eager to learn about them as German people. All I’m saying is I never agreed to the name, as well as other people in our group; who hold their own bias. What I said to Jutta is for Jutta, I appreciate the concern for our cause. I would never do something that would hurt you guys, but if you’re still hurting for cash after a years time. If your work fired you because of it, or you lost property or possession because of this month in Germany and nothing to show for it, then this powwow coming up in Germany is for YOU! The people coordinating this dance still remember us, and WILL NOT forget about us! They are honoring our adventure into the unknown. They know we were wronged too. What I’ve tried to do to show THEM… is that we are thankful for their efforts. And it comes back to me with hurt and bad feelings from my own people. I never would have expected this… to be regarded by my OWN PEOPLE as someone who wants to corrupt their efforts. To give them another reason to not pay us. To not honor ourselves as much as we honor the people who MADE the trip better for ME! ME! I had a blast, and I still believe some of you made our trip difficult from the inside of our group, all of you should be ashamed to be holding grugdes this long. I know the cash will help ALL of us… but getting upset because I’m trying to show emotion to my new friends is not very christian (if I may call you christian, I’m Methodist myself). Thank you for caring about our people as well. I can wait 5 years for this, I can go back to Germany, I can dance for them and not feel bad. I left Germany full of happiness. The money was a dissappointment, yes, but I’ve grown to see past it. I met people and new friends that money is no equal to.
    If you don’t at least have that, why are YOU are still fighting?

  103. Kim

    Blessings to all that continue to help us spread awareness of our experience in Germany.
    We are continuing our lives in pursuit of our own happiness. My family likes to powwow or participate in native activies every chance we get. We got to spend some time yesterday with the Veterans of the Seminole nation. Lots of elders to learn from and share with. We must continue to learn on our journey and take our children along to learn with us. I was very proud of my baby, Aiden, she spoke with and LISTENED to elders, which is what is missing now days from our young people. Listen more, people! You will be blessed. As we continue our journeys, we will continue to pray for peace for everyone!


    visit myspace and see Aiden dance for the people in a special buckskin exhibition!

  104. Kim

    Congratulations to Ingo Schonhold who won his case against Willy Bievers and Serena!!!! Ingo has been encouraging to us even when things were looking bad for us, he supported us. Thank you Ingo and we are happy that you got what is due to you. Also, we appreciate the kindness you showed to our children. Mine in particular, still reminisce about our time together, and Aiden in praticular.
    We appreciate everyone who has helped raise awareness, funds, and prayers in our effort.


  105. Kim

    Guess what, we won our case. It seems Willy Bievers and Vernor Mullendore owe us alot of money. Well we already knew that didnt we? A victory is ours, hollow or not we will take it! Congrats to a lot of people who worked really hard for a couple of years on this to say, we danced, and sang, and ENDURED.

    Some people made profit, that is evident, for some that will be the most they ever dance in their life, for others, we keep dancing and living our lives according to our ways. Not just when it is convenient to be Native!

    I am proud of my children for having their ways and living them!

    I will always be glad to have met the people along the way…… brought me to where I am, able to forgive and able to move on.

    In kindness

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