Essrich Language Services – translations, copywriting, editing and proofreading
for the industry and business sectors

Our main languages

Swedish | Norwegian | Danish | English | additional languages available on request

Expertise in all things Scandinavian

the countries and the people | the culture and the business | the mentality and the customs

We specialize in the construction industry

road construction | tunnel construction | track construction | concrete | architecture

We understand Scandinavia.
We’ll make sure Scandinavia understands you.

Our translators come from Denmark, Norway or Sweden, or have adopted one of these countries as their second home. We all share a love for Scandinavia, and we know its countries and people like the back of our hand.

Translations done at ELS always have the correct style and tone, including what’s between the lines.

Technical and specialized translations require professional competence and knowledge of each specific industry.

You’ll only find specialized translators with the necessary expertise at ELS. Whether you’re in construction, mechanical engineering, agriculture, advertising or tourism – our specialized translators make it their business to understand your business.

You can count on the fact that your words will always be understandable and your content accurate.

Precision is a given at ELS.
High-quality translations, guaranteed.

Working with Essrich Language Services means the translations you receive are terminologically correct and punctually delivered. Our customers expect accuracy, speed and the best translation quality. And that is exactly what they get. 

That’s why every translation produced at ELS lands on the boss’s desk to be scrutinized before being sent off to the client.

Our clients include: